Chapter 2: Meeting the Children.

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The Rustling was getting louder. But the voices were starting to emerge.

"More Bounty Hunters?" Omega whispered to Hunter.

"Get ready." Hunter motioned to the others.

But it wasn't what they suspected at all. The people that emerged from the thicket weren't Bounty Hunters. They were children. They emerged through the and seemed almost as stunned as Omega when she saw Snow.

"What the?" Hunter asked.

"That's it?" Wrecker complained. "You had us all worked up for nothing, Hunter." 

Hunter was looking at the situation. There were two boys and two girls that emerged. "What are 4 children doing in the middle of nowhere?" He thought.

"I hate to break it to you, Hunter. But what if they see our ship?" Echo asked.

Hunter forgot about the ship. If children like these could emerge from thickets. What would they do if they discovered the ship?

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's just your imagination." The Youngest Girl commented.

"I don't suppose, saying we're sorry. Wouldn't quite cover it?" The Older Boy asked. Who Hunter figured was an older brother or something.

"No it wouldn't." The Girl answered. "But that might." She threw a snowball at the boy and they all started a snowball fight. Except for the younger boy who just stared coldly at them.

"They're having a Snowball fight, just like we did." Omega told Hunter with a smile. "I don't think they're hostile."

"...It's not looking like it no." Hunter replied.

"Should we say hello?" Omega asked. She started to walk over, but Hunter held her back.

"Woah, Omega. Hold on. They could be spies for all we know. Probably to trick us." Hunter warned.

"Spies who are throwing Snow Balls?" Omega asked.

"Either they are highly skilled assassins, trained for many years in the arts of infiltration. Or they are simple kids who are trying to have fun." Tech interrupted sarcastically. 

Hunter looked at him. "I assume that the latter is far more accurate." Tech said.

"You can be a cautious as you want, Hunter. But I think they're good people." Echo told him.

"I'm just concerned for Omega. She has two Bounty Hunters after her, and that's not to mention the Empire after all of us. We need to be careful of who to trust." Hunter explained.

"If anyone comes after Omega, they'll have another thing coming." Wrecker declared cracking his knuckles.

Hunter sighed. "Alright. Let's go speak to them. Maybe they're friendly." 

"I believe that Omega is already showing the diplomatic side of things." Tech pointed to Omega already walking over.

"Of course she is." Hunter mumbled.

Omega walked over to the bickering Siblings. One of them was complaining about putting on a Girl's Coat. 

"But that's a Girls Coat!" The Younger Boy complained.

"I know." The Older Boy replied clearly bothered by his brother's annoyance.

"Hello!" Omega shouted walking up to the 4 Children.

The others looked stunned to see another human walking up to them.

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