Chapter 6: Aslan's Camp.

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Admiral Rampart and the Witch were looking at the now running waterfall and the snow melting revealing the grass.

"It's so warm out." Ginarrbrick started to take off his coat which earned him a glare from Rampart and The Witch. "I'll go and check the sleigh." Something that made Edmund chuckle. 

"Yes. You do that." Rampart muttered. 

That was when they saw Crosshair still wet and heavy and the wolves with him. "Your Majesty. We found the traitor. He was rallying your enemies in the woods." Maugrim reported.

"Nice of you to drop in." Rampart said. "You were so much help to our law enforcement last night. How about once again?" He offered.

"Forgive me, your Majesty." Mr. Fox begged.

"Oh, don't waste my time with flattery." Jadis dismissed.

"Not to seem rude. But I wasn't actually talking to you." Mr. Fox was looking at Edmund. Knowing that he was one of the true kings.

Jadis didn't seem to like that. She aimed her staff at Mr. Fox. "Where are the humans headed?" She interrogated as Crosshair also aimed a pistol at Mr. Fox.

Rampart nodded. Crosshair started to make ready to shoot. "Wait! No! Don't! The Beavers said something about the Stone Table. And that Aslan had an army there!" Edmund begged. 

"And the Bad Batch are also there?" Rampart asked.

"I-I assume so." Edmund answered.

"An army?" Jadis asked.

The Fox looked at Edmund shaking his head. Edmund was not supposed to say that.

"Thank you Edmund." Jadis said. "I'm glad this creature got to see some honesty." She then looked at the Fox. "Before he Died!" She turned Mr. Fox to stone as he tried to flee.

"NO!" Edmund yelled.

Rampart shrugged. "Far easier to just shoot him." He commented.

"Yes, but I like this better." Jadis replied. She then proceeded to slap Edmund as he looked at Jadis as to how she could do such a thing?

"Think about who's side your on, Edmund. Mine... or theirs." Jadis ordered. She then turned to the Wolves and Crosshair. The time had came and gone for handling this quietly. It would have to be war. Something which  "Go on ahead, gather the faithful. If it's a War Aslan wants." She turned a passing butterfly to stone. "It's a war he shall get." She declared.

"Shall we make it interesting?" Crosshair asked. "Give them a fighting chance. Might make some greater sport for us." 

"Tempting." Rampart replied. "Alright. We'll fight an army with an army. We will set up camp and prepare to attack." 

Meanwhile. The Bad Batch and the Children walked across now green meadows. "So... this is Aslan's Camp?" Hunter asked.

"It doesn't' look like any camp I've seen." Omega said.

That was when everyone heard a horn blasting from a Centaur on the top of a ridge.

"Let's just hope this Aslan can help us." Echo thought out loud. "Would be pretty bad if he couldn't." 

"Well at least we won't have to be incognito." Tech commented referring to that horn.

The Pevensie Children all looked around, and Lucy smiled as she looked at a nymph that came from a nearby tree. 

"Keep up, Lucy." Hunter called.

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