Chapter 5: Across the Frozen River.

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Edmund had woken up in the middle of a cell with nothing but a small tray of what looked like scrappy food and a cup that had already frozen. "So much for the Turkish Delight." He thought. That was when he heard another voice.

"If- if you're not going to eat that." Edmund could see that it was a Faun that was in the cell next to him, and the Faun had a Red scarf. Edmund scooted over and handed the scrap to the Faun. 

"Mr. Tumnus?" Edmund asked.

"What's left of him." Tumnus answered. He then took a closer look at Edmund. "You're Lucy Pevensie's brother."

"Edmund." Edmund replied.

"You share the same nose." Tumnus noted. Edmund wasn't sure how to respond to that. He didn't say a word. "Is your sister alright? Is she safe?" He asked.

"I don't know." Edmund answered. He hoped so... assuming the Imperials didn't get to her. Or the Witch. But then again. The Bad Batch were also with the group. So maybe Edmund's family was safe.

Their conversation was cut short. As the Witch, and Rampart opened the doors to the dungeons. "My Police and the Imperials. Tore that Dam apart." The Witch informed and walking up to Edmund. "Your little family. Are nowhere to be found." The Witch then grabbed Edmund and off the ground. "Where did they go?"

"I-I don't know." Edmund stuttered.

"Clearly this was a waste of time." Rampart decided. "Kill him."

The Witch was about to use her staff. "Wait! The Beavers said something about Aslan." Edmund quickly said.

That made Tumnus look at the whole situation with concern now.

"Aslan?" The Witch asked lowering her staff. "Where?"

Edmund didn't respond.

"Who's Aslan?" Rampart asked.

"A usurper who seeks to remove me from my throne. An insurgent to your Great Empire." The Witch answered. "But rest assured. He will not elude us for long." She turned her attention back to Edmund. "I said. Where is Aslan?"

"I don't know." Edmund answered. "I left before they said anything. I wanted to see you." He insisted.

But the Witch wasn't having any of it. "Guard!" She called. That was when a monster for a Prison Guard arrived. "Release the Faun."

The Guard used some sort of hammer and Tumnus was released from the chains that bound his hooves. He was dragged from the floor and up to the Witch.

"Do you know why you're here, Faun?" The Witch asked.

"Because... I believe in a Free Narnia." Tumnus answered. Even on his knees. He remained defiant.

"You're here. Because he turned you in. For sweeties." The Witch informed as she pointed to Edmund and grinning as she did so.

At that point. Tumnus was looking for Edmund to say it was all a lie. But Edmund wasn't exactly jumping on his feet and saying that wasn't true.

"Though to be fair. These are some really good sweeties." Rampart commented having another Turkish Delight. 

"Take him upstairs." The Witch ordered the Guard. "And ready my sleigh. Edmund misses his family."

The Guard did as instructed. Leaving Edmund to his thoughts.

It wasn't long before Edmund was dragged upstairs through the Witch's statue room. This time there was another statue. One of Tumnus in pain. The Witch was already on her sleigh. Along with Rampart on a speeder. "When you're ready. Son of Adam." The Witch told Edmund as he was pushed onto the sleigh as it took off going after the children and the Bad Batch.

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