Chapter 7: Training for war and the Visit of Jadis.

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The Next morning was quiet. Peter walked out of his tent to see Hunter walking past him. Hunter only nodded his head to clarify that Edmund had been rescued. Omega was walking out of the tent as well.

"Did you do it?" Omega asked.

"We did." Hunter answered.

"Thank you." Peter said to Hunter. He was about to ask Hunter where Edmund was but he could see from a top of the hill that Aslan was talking to Edmund about something.

"The Lion wanted a word with Edmund, alone." Wrecker explained. "Which I always found kind of strange you know." 

Susan and Lucy also walked out of their respective tents, and could see Edmund on the hill. "Edmund!" Lucy shouted overjoyed ready to run over, but Peter held her back. Lucy looked confused for a second. 

Aslan had nodded over to Edmund, probably to specify as to a: you know what to do. Go to your family. Or at least that's what Hunter interpreted it as.

Edmund walked over with Aslan walking next to him. None of the Pevensie children were saying a word to each other. The Bad Batch decided to stay to the side and Omega also decided not to say a word.

"What's done it done." Aslan said breaking the silence. "There is no need to speak to Edmund about what has passed." He then left.

Peter had an attitude that said: "Okay, I'll just stare at him then."

"Hello." Edmund greeted awkwardly while looking at his feet.

But Lucy hugged him. Despite all the hecticness that had happened. Edmund was still her brother. That reason was why Edmund hugged her back. And Susan also hugged Edmund as well.

"Are you alright?" Susan asked.

"He's fine." Wrecker assured. "If you don't trust me, that just plain hurts."

Susan shook her head. "Wrecker's right. I'm fine." Edmund replied. "Though a little tired." The Witch wasn't exactly known for civilized hospitality.

"Well, we did pick him up in the middle of the night." Tech admitted.

"Get some sleep." Peter finally said trying to sound indifferent in his tone.

Edmund decided to do that as he walked past Peter. Maybe Peter wasn't the one who changed despite everything. Not that Edmund could blame him. Hunter gave a arm budge to Peter for him to continue.

"I was getting to that." Peter whispered to Hunter. "And Edmund." He called. Edmund turned back. "Try not to wonder off." He had a bit a smile on him to suggest that was a joke.

Edmund however did seem to smile back.

"Well, I got my family back." Peter said to Hunter. 

"Now it's my turn. We still got to get Crosshair from the grip of the Empire." Hunter replied. 

"Whatever that inhibitor chip did to Crosshair, we've got to get it out." Omega added.

"And we will, Omega. We will." Hunter assured.

Later that day, the group were eating some foods. Certainly better for Edmund then the scraps of food that were given to Edmund as a prisoner. But at least he wasn't scarfing down his food like the way that Wrecker was.

"Do you have to eat like a pig always?" Susan asked.

"Eat like what?" Wrecker asked.

"That's a part of Wreckers defect. He has to eat a lot of food to maintain his shape." Tech explained.

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