Chapter 4: Wolf Hunt.

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Edmund had walked back through what could only be described as a bunch of room full of statues. Edmund seemed shocked at the sight of one giant that was made of stone. There were also some Centaurs, what could only be described as more fauns or something like that that were made of stone as well. He then walked over what looked like a pile of rubble. Except it didn't look like rubble. It was a Wolf.

The Wolf pounced on Edmund. "Be still, stranger. Or you'll never move again." He warned. "Who are you?"

"I'm Edmund." Edmund answered. "I met the Queen in the Woods. She told me to come back here. I'm a son of Adam."

The Wolf seemed to hear that and got off Edmund. "Apologies. Fortune favor the Queen. Or else... not so fortunate." He replied walking towards the Throne Room. "Right this way." 

Edmund had followed him inside. And he found the inside of the Throne empty. "Wait here." The Wolf said. He then left Edmund who found an unimaginable desire to sit on the Throne. And suddenly it felt like a good thing.

At least until the White Witch showed up with her henchman Ginarrbrick. "Edmund." The Witch said.

"Yes." Edmund replied getting up. "Your Majesty."

"I thought you might..." She then sat on the Throne. "Tell me Edmund. Are your sisters deaf?" She asked.

"No." Edmund answered. 

"And your brother. Is he unintelligent?" The Witch asked.

"I think so..." Edmund answered. "My Mum says-"

"THEN HOW DARE YOU COME ALONE!!" The Witch was getting up now. It made Edmund stand back.

"I tried-" Edmund stuttered.

"I ask so little of you." The Witch continued.

"They just don't listen to me." Edmund claimed.

"Or perhaps he's just dumb." Another voice suggested.

And Edmund found he heard that voice before. That was when he noticed another figure in pure black Imperial Armor that looked like the Bad Batch armor. This figure also carried a Sniper Rifle with him. 

"Who are you?" Edmund asked.

"You don't recognize my voice?" The figure asked. He took off his helmet. It was a face he'd seen before. But this one had short silver hair, and a burnt mark on one side. And what looked like a face tattoo. 

"You..." Edmund realized. "You're a clone. A member of the Bad Batch?"

"I was." The Clone answered. "But I grew out of it." He also took a toothpick out of his mouth and twirled it around.

"Meet Crosshair. An actual man who gets the job done, and follows orders to the letter." The Witch introduced. 

Crosshair smirked at Edmund. There was also another human that entered the Throne Room. "Vice Admiral Rampart of the Galactic Empire." The Human introduced. "And you must be this Edmund, I've heard so much about. It's as I told you, Your Majesty. He would never give his family to you." 

"So it would seem." The Witch replied. She then turned on Edmund. "Where was I?" She asked.

"You were telling him about how you ask so little of him." Crosshair answered.

"Right. And he couldn't even do that." The Witch continued.

"I did bring them half way." Edmund tried to say. "They're in a little house in the dam. With the Beavers." 

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