Chapter 3: Beaver Hospitality.

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By the time everyone exited outside. Hunter noticed a sound. "Something's coming." He warned.

"Load guns?" Echo asked.

"Keep them on standby." Hunter answered. And the Bad Batch all drew their weapons. While the Children, except for Edmund all huddled together. Probably a bad sign.

That was when Hunter undrew his blaster. "False alarm. It's just an animal." He informed.

"Aw. I was hoping for a fight." Wrecker complained.

"Well what kind of animal is it?" Omega asked.

That was when a Beaver ran up.

"It's a beaver?" Lucy asked.

"A Beaver?" Omega asked. "I've never heard of that."

The beaver crawled up to the children.

"Here boy." Peter made some odd clicking sounds and rubbing his fingers.

"What are you doing?" Tech asked.

Peter ignored Tech and continued to reach for the Beaver with his hand.

"I ain't going to smell it if that's what you want." The Beaver said.

"It can talk." Omega said as Edmund, Susan, and Peter looked shocked. 

"Sorry." Peter replied awkwardly as Lucy giggled.

The Beaver then looked at Lucy. "Lucy Pevensie." 

Lucy's look turned to confusion. "Yes?" She asked.

The Beaver handed out a handkerchief to Lucy. And Lucy seemed to know what it was. "This is the handkerchief I gave to..."

"Tumnus. He got it to me just before they took him." The Beaver explained.

"Is he alright?" Lucy asked.

The Beaver looked around as if he was being watched. "Farther in." He then started to leave.

"Hey! Wait up!" Hunter shouted.

"And keep your voice down." The Beaver warned.

"Why would we do that?" Omega asked. "Are we being watched?" 

The Beaver nodded.

"He means the trees." Lucy whispered.

That was when Hunter noticed something ringing. "Something else is coming."

"Is it more wolves?" Peter asked.

"Something Mechanical. From the West." Hunter answered.

Tech got out his pad. "It looks like it's speaking in code." He added.

"I'll go check it out." Echo took out his blaster and looked around.

Echo looked around. Not anything.

"Anything Echo?" Hunter asked.

"Nope. Negative. False Alarm." Echo answered. That was when he heard something. "Wait..." Something was floating. It looked like a...

"A Droid?" Echo asked.

The Droid then made an alarm sound. It fired some rounds on Echo. Echo shot back and it looked like it exploded.

"There's not much left of it." Echo informed on the Comm.

"What was it?" Hunter asked.

"A Droid of some kind. Self Destructed." Echo answered. 

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