Chapter 8: The Stone Table.

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It was nightfall now. It would probably be the last peaceful sleep that anyone would have for a long time. Which is why everyone decided to go to sleep. Except for Omega who kept getting woken up by Wrecker's loud snoring. 

It made Omega get up to try to get away from the snoring. She could also see someone walking. It appeared to be Aslan. And he seemed to be walking towards the woods. "Aslan?" She asked.

Aslan wasn't surprised to see her. But he didn't face her. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Wrecker kept me up with his snoring." Omega answered. "But where are you going?" That was when she saw Susan and Lucy also walk up. They had also seen Aslan walking by.

"This is something I must do alone, Omega." Aslan answered her question.

"Can we come with you at least?" Susan asked.

"Please Aslan." Lucy insisted.

Aslan gave in. "I suppose I could use the company." He admitted and they all walked toward an area in the woods. 

"I'm afraid you must stay here." Aslan informed.

"Why is that?" Omega asked. Why was Aslan being so vague? She couldn't understand why.

"No matter what happens, you 3 must not interfere. You have to trust me." Aslan replied.

Omega wasn't sure why about that. Even if she trusted Aslan. "Maybe I should get Hunter." She suggested.

"Omega. You have to trust me, okay?" Aslan requested. 

Omega reluctantly nodded her head. As did Susan and Lucy.

"Thank you, and farewell." Aslan bade them goodbye.

Aslan had walked up to a what appeared to be a large gathering of a torches in front of a large Stone Table. "Is that the Stone Table the Beavers were talking about?" Omega asked.

"I think so." Susan answered. She would've said more but the girls took a closer look at the crowds. 

They were all the Witch's armies. "What are they doing here?" Omega asked. If the Witch's army was here then it was a good chance that the Empire was here.

Walking past all the beasts and up the stone stairs to the table in what looked like a zoo. Aslan arrived at the table. After he scarred a harpie off just by standing there. The Witch was waiting there with a dagger on the top. With Rampart and Crosshair also there. 

"Behold. The Great Lion." The Witch announced to her followers.

Aslan didn't say a word. He just starred at the Witch and the Imperials. 

"We're on a time clock, Your Majesty. I think we should simply get this over with, no?" Rampart suggested.

The Witch shook her head. "No. There's a certain Ritual that goes into this. We must perform it correctly." She informed. 

"What is it with Narnians and Prophecies and Rituals?" Crosshair asked in a disgusted tone.

"He's a soldier." Rampart explained to the witch about Crosshair's tone. "May I ask what happens in this Ritual?" He asked.

The Witch smiled evilly. "Why explain with words when I can simply show you? Observe." She motioned over to her General who shoved Aslan onto his side on the floor hard. 

Omega, Susan and Lucy gasped.

The Witch's forces all laughed.

"You want some milk?" Ginarrbrick mocked.

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