BONUS: Author Q & A, Part 2

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A/N: Since a lot of you asked for it last time, here is the link to the aesthetic board I made for Wayfarer

It's also the external link on this part if you're reading this on the Web version of Wattpad. If you can't access it either of those ways, just look up the board name, "Wayfarer Aesthetic Board," on Pinterest and go from there. 

Now, on with the show!

Q: Would you ever make a follow up or sequel to this story? (from @SenatorAaronBurr)


Q: After Wayfarer is finished what other stories do you have in mind? Will they be fandom related or an original story? (from @LazyTaco19)

A: Unfortunately, I'm almost certainly never going to write a sequel to Wayfarer. Given the amount of time and energy it took to write Wayfarer, I'd need to be REALLY passionate about an idea for a sequel to write one, and I have no such passion-sparking ideas at the moment. There IS the possibility I might write a work related to Wayfarer in a different way, though, but that's very uncertain.

This is especially true because I'm not really in the Gravity Falls fandom anymore. Sorry, everybody! My mind has a limit of one obsession at a time, and I recently got obsessed with Jujutsu Kaisen, so that's my main fandom right now. Apparently, I have a weakness for tall, overpowered twinks with light-colored hair and childish, irreverent personalities who are nonetheless terrifying when angered (first Bill, now Satoru Gojo). To sort of quote Dr. Doofenshmirtz, if I had a nickel for every time I fell in love with a fictional guy who matched that description, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. 😂

Because I'm such a simp, I may end up writing a few short Gojo x Reader fics and posting them on my AO3 account. I don't have any solid ideas at the moment, though, so we'll see what happens.

Q: I'm worried about Bill, did he ever get caught? 😭 (from @astridlagreece)

A: When I wrote the first draft, I'd planned for Bill to get caught and for the story to maybe have an epilogue where the reader sees news about Bill's trial on TV. Now, though? I don't know. He's a crafty bastard. Maybe he gave the police the slip. ;)

Q: Throughout the story, did Y/n really not take any 'group selfies'? At least behind the scenes? Or did Bill erase them if there were any so she wouldn't remember him? (from @astridlagreece)

A: No, she did not. Honestly, I'm the kind of person who rarely takes pictures of themselves, so I never thought to have Y/N do it. Besides, Bill is great at breaking into things. He definitely went through her phone and deleted his contact info and whatnot before leaving.

Q: Is this Bill's incarnation as a human? My conclusion from the mind erasing and other power-using (idk how to call it, Im sorry lol) is that he still somehow has some of his powers as a human. How is that possible? (from @astridlagreece)

A: That's a good question! The short answer is yes, this is his incarnation as a human. In this AU, the Axolotl decided that the most fitting punishment for Bill's crimes was to strip him of his might and make him one of the 'weak' humans he so scorned. Thus, he was reincarnated as a human with no memory of his past life. This accounts for some of the personality changes in the story.

However, the raw power of someone like Bill is incredibly difficult to completely restrain, so he is still able to access some of his powers. The limitations of the human body and the restrictions placed by the Axolotl prevent him from being able to access very much, though, hence the limited power use throughout the story.

Q: What was your biggest challenge in writing wayfarer? any advice for other authors? (from @elysian_universe)

A: I think my biggest challenge in writing this was sustaining my motivation to meet deadlines. Being able to consistently get myself to write, regardless of inspiration levels, was very hard, especially since I had to do it week after week after week.

Thankfully, I'd promised other people (you guys) I'd meet certain deadlines, so I was generally able to push myself to get things done on time. Also, for this revision, I had a lot of stuff written in advance, so I didn't have to write as much each week. I also broke the story into shorter chapters, so there was less to write for the chapters I had to write from scratch, too. All of that helped.

As for advice for other authors, I might leave that to a writing Q & A, depending on whether or not you guys are interested. For the moment, though, I will say this: half of writing is just getting the words on the page, and half is editing the heck out of what you have. The way to a good story is not to achieve perfection on the first try, but to continuously hone your work until it's close enough to what you want. Focus on the overall shape of the story, and be willing to accept a few flaws here and there. That will help you get things done.

A/N: This is where this book ends. I hope you had fun reading the story and all the bonus content! Until next time, peace out.

- fish

Wayfarer [Bill Cipher x Reader] [REVISED]Where stories live. Discover now