Chapter Eight: Vegas Lights

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The following day, however, proved to be... not quite as lovely, to say the least. Not too long after you set out from the motel, a traffic jam materialized on the streets of Vegas, a herd of cars—including yours, unfortunately—held hostage by road construction. As you idled there, you sighed, pressing your head to the steering wheel.

Beside you, Bill echoed your sigh. "Could these people move any faster?" he mumbled, pressing his face into his hand. "At this rate, a snail would beat us downtown."

"Yeah, well that's just how traffic is in the city, I guess," you said, leaning back into your seat. Your shirt stuck to your skin in the back, the air shimmering with the combined heat of hundreds of cars in close quarters on a hot, sunny day. "Ugh, I hope that we get there in time..."

"Where are we headed downtown today, anyways?"

"Oh, well, for today, I thought that we could go take a look at the Mob Museum!" you said. "It's got all this gangster stuff from the thirties that my, ah, old travel buddy was pumped to go and see. Do you want to come along?"

Bill's smile faltered a little. "Oh, that sounds cool! It's just... you know... I was kinda banking on getting to hit up a few casinos today..."

"Hitting up the casinos? Oh. That, ah, sounds..." You swallowed. "I mean, it sounds fun, but are you sure that you don't want to come with me to the Mob Museum?" You gave him a pleading look. "Come on, it'll be tons of fun! I mean, they have... uh..." You snapped your fingers a couple of times. "Part of the wall from the St Valentine's Day Massacre! Don't you want to come and see that?"

"Nah. I'm good."

"Please? I mean, I could go by myself, but it'll be way more fun if we go together!" You gave him your best rendition of puppy eyes. "Come on! For me?"

"You're kidding me, right? Not that I don't wanna be with you, but me? In a museum? Full of old things and possibly bad science?" He snorted. "I'd be insufferable. Really, you'd be better off without me tagging along. Trust me."

"Hey, I don't think that you're that bad to hang out with," you replied. "Last night was fun."

"Yeah, well, I'm different with stars than I am with museums. You shoulda seen me that time I got dragged into the Museum of Natural History. I didn't shut up the entire time we were there! I was insufferable."

"Hey, I don't want you to shut up," you said. "I mean, I like your voice. Your voice... it's nice. If you just want to talk the entire time we're there, I wouldn't mind. Really! I'd be fine." Your ears grew hot. "Just keep me company, okay?"

He shrugged. "Well, I agree, my voice's fantastic... but that ain't a reason for me to go.

'Sides, I don't really have a ticket. Can't really go waltzing in there without one of those, can I?"

Oh, crap. Now you sincerely wished that you hadn't canceled Mabel's ticket. Didn't the website say that you had to reserve tickets online in advance now? You hated to admit it, but... he was right.

"Fine." You sighed and turned away from Bill, your mouth thinning into a line. "If you're going out, then make sure to meet me at the parking lot next to the museum at 7, okay? And don't be late," you added. "I'm gonna be starving then, so if you don't show up, I'll just go get dinner without you. Understand?"

"Understood," he said with a nod.

"Cool. I'll see you then—oh!" The cars in front of you began to move, and, beginning to drive again, the two of you lapsed into silence once more.

You dropped Bill off on a street corner just a couple blocks away from the Mob Museum. Extracting a promise from him not to wander off too far, you gave him a quick goodbye before heading over to the museum.

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