Chapter Seven: A Sky Full of Stars

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Flashes of color faded into black as the episode of My Hero Academia the two of you had been watching came to a close. You yawned. In the hour you'd been in your motel room, your body had carved out a nice, cozy little niche in the seat, and you lingered, savoring the warmth.

That's right. Keep your mind on the warmth, you thought to yourself. Keep your mind on the warmth, and the air conditioning, and the bright colors that were fading on the backs of your eyelids, and maybe you'd be able to put the shop in the desert behind you. Think about those things and the trip that you were planning for tonight, and maybe the lingering taste of fear would wash itself out of your mouth. Just maybe...

As you attempted to herd your thoughts away from what happened earlier, Bill slumped against the bed beside you. Hollow-eyed and wan, he stared at the black screen. "Issit over already?" he muttered. He rubbed his eyes. "Uhh..."

He slowly propped himself up and looked at his phone. "Almost bedtime," he murmured. "Better go brush while I still remember..." He yawned. Leaning forward, he rose from the bed and began to trudge off towards the bathroom.

"Hey, wait!" You grabbed his arm. "Don't go just yet."

"What? Why?" His brow furrowed.

"Because there's something I want to show you before we go to bed," you said. "Come see it, will you?"

"Come see what? Show me."

You gave him a smile. "Sure. But first," you said, "we have to get into the car."

"Get into the car? Are we going out? Isn't it a little late for that?" He gestured at the clock. "It's ten. You sure whatever thing we're going to see is gonna be open?"

Your smile widened. "I'm positive. It's... not exactly something you'd go to see during the day."

A grin spread across his face. "Oooh! Issit a rave or something like that? That it?"

"What? No, no, no! It's nothing like that," you said, waving your arms. "It's more of a... um... well, you'll see when we get there."

He snorted. "C'mon, you don't have to make it a surprise. Just tell me what it is already! I'm dying of curiosity." He pouted. "Don't leave me hanging!"

You shook your head. "Trust me, it's better if you just go and see it for yourself. Now, c'mon, let's get into the car already. We're going to be driving for a while..."

The deep, rich blue of the twilight faded into a soft, velvety black as you coasted down the highway. A slight, pleasant chill hugged the windows as you leaned forward, staring out into the muted forms of the sagebrush around you. All around the car, the wind went by in a soft rush. A near-silence hung in the air.

That is, until Bill's voice parted it. "Are we almost there yet?"

You smiled. "Yep! We'll be there soon." You squinted out at the landscape, looking for... ah, yes, this would do. Gravel crunched beneath your tires as you left the highway, swinging onto a small side road. You slowed the car to a crawl.

Beside you, the wrinkle between Bill's eyebrows grew. "This is the middle of nowhere. Why'd you stop here?" He turned to look at you. "... were you lying about the rave thing?"

"No! I told you, it's not a rave. Trust me."

"Then what the heck is it?" He groaned. "I can't see anything fun down here."

"That's because it's not about what's down here," you replied. You pointed up at the sky. "It's about what's up there."

Bill's eyes followed the direction of your finger. Then, he lit up. "Oh. OOOOHHH!"

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