Chapter Twenty-Five: I Have Friends in Holy Spaces

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Once you'd made up your mind, you'd texted your mother and then Mabel about your plans, explaining to Mabel how you weren't going to be picking her up from Oregon, after all. That had been the easy part. After all, you were just typing out a couple dozen words and flinging them into the abyss. That didn't carry the weight of eyes drooping with emotion or facial muscles flaring. Telling Bill... would.

You must've spent half the night tongue-tied, breathless, trying to find the best time to pick up that weight, shifting it, balancing it in your mind. And yet... it was never the right time. Your hands would grow clammy, your tongue stiff and awkward, and you'd retreat. Always another time. Always a task for a later you.

And now, here was the later you. Still tongue-tied, still awkward. You sighed and shook your head, turning your eyes up to your surroundings. Large glass windows winked at you from minimalist frames as you passed under the shade of faux rugged stone buildings, their awnings and stacked cornices casting cool shade in the summer sun. Beneath them gleamed polished gold letters, heralding the illustrious brands held within: Dior. Gucci. Louis Vuitton.

Man, was this a far cry from the vaguely dirty linoleum of your childhood malls. Just looking at the shops with their spotless glass and neatly pressed clothing displays made you feel a little nicer, a little neater. Not a bad place to end the trip, really.

As you admired a particularly well-cut blouse, however, a loud sigh from Bill cut into your thoughts. "Remind me why we're here again?"

"Why we're...?" you said. "Oh, I just thought that this would be a nice place to go sightseeing, that's all. Is there something wrong?" Oh, crap. Did he pick up on some strange vibes from you or something and guess what was going on? Were you going to have to tell him now? You tensed.

"Yeah. Yeah, there is," he replied. "Because this place," he made a sweeping gesture, "sucks! I mean, ped malls? Ridiculously expensive name brand stores? What is there to see here, really, other than the gospel of wealth? Uck." He made a face. "Get me outta here."

Your stomach muscles unclenched a little. So he didn't know yet. Well, it would've been nice to just get it over with and tell him. But now was not the time, apparently. "Oh, come on!" you said. "I figured that, you know, after that whole hike thing, seeing the city sights wouldn't hurt. I mean, these stores aren't that bad looking, right? Just look at that," you said, gesturing to a swirling display of softly glowing panels, illuminating a mannequin. "Doesn't that look nice?"

"Okay, maybe that isn't too bad," he admitted. "But there's gotta be some place we can go that isn't Miracle Mile Lite. A place with, you know," he made a face, "actual scenery?"

"Hey, this place has plenty of scenery," you replied. You gestured to the buildings around you. "I mean, look at these cafés! And these stores! They look nice, right?"

"And?" He snorted. "Drive up to New York or LA, and you'd see basically the same thing. Overpriced trinkets in overpriced stores for overpriced people. You can't afford this stuff. What's the point?"

"Well, I like looking at them, okay? Nothing wrong with a little free window shopping," you shot back. You turned away, pouting. "And anyways, if you hate it that much, don't worry. Soon, you won't be having to deal with any of this..."

"Won't have to deal with any of what?" he asked. "Wait, what are you—"

His eyes caught on something, and his words halted. He froze, staring straight ahead.

You stopped and turned, eyes following his line of sight. Just what was he... ?

Your eyes fell upon a girl about your age, exiting one of the shops down the street. Her smooth, tanned legs moved like clockwork as she carried two bags in her flawlessly manicured hands. A cascade of chestnut curls fell across her face as she paused to pull a sleek iPhone from her white leather clutch, holding it up to her ear.

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