Chapter Twelve: Build God, Then We'll Talk

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 After a small eternity under the slowly sinking sun, the long line of vehicles in front of you dissipated, allowing you to head down the highway once more. Something dull and draining had settled over your blood as it pooled in the same limbs for hours on end, and boy, were you feeling it. You yawned and sagged in your seat as your eyes dragged across the streets unfolding around you, searching the motel signs: no vacancy... no vacancy... no vacancy...

Oh, there! A turquoise neon dolphin flickered over a small sign next to a motel that read: ROOMS AVAILABLE. You yanked the steering wheel, guiding the car into the nearby parking lot. You parked. Dragging your heavy limbs, you got out of the car and into the lobby.

To the left of the door, a small, dimly lit desk, all scuffed chipboard and a smattering of little burns, squeezed up against the wall. Behind it, taking a long drag of her cigarette behind the NO SMOKING ALLOWED sign, sat a heavy-faced woman, her caked-on foundation illuminated by the tiny flame of the cigarette. She gave you a look and continued to puff.

"Hi," you said, your voice rough and crackly as you leaned into the counter. "Could we get two rooms? Or one room with two beds?"

She looked at you as if you'd just burst out in fluent Pig Latin. "No," she said slowly, lowering her cigarette and putting it out in the ashtray. "No, you can't. We just got the one room with the one bed. Why?"

"Because... because we want to sleep in separate beds?" You gestured at Bill. "I mean... "

She continued to stare at you as if you were speaking a foreign language. "... are ya sure? Most of our guests... don't mind."

Behind you, you heard Bill groan. "Well, yeah! Is that really all you have right now?"

"Well, yes, really. Relax," she said, as you sighed and rubbed your temples. "It's more convenient that way, anyways." She gave the two of you a knowing look.

"Ugh," you said, rolling your eyes. The insinuation... but damn, were your aching bones just crying out for some rest! "Fine. I guess we'll take it. What kind of room is it?"

"Number 168? It's small, but it'll do. You get a twin bed, a shower, and a TV for six bucks an hour, plus the twenty-dollar deposit. There's a six-dollar charge if you wanna use the Wi-Fi. Oh, and if you stick around long enough to be here in the morning, no, we don't do breakfast. Any other questions?"

You sighed. God, you were being ripped off, weren't you? But even the thought of trying to go out again and find another place made you want to sit down and bury your head in your hands. "Fine. We'll take it."

"Alright, then. Hand over your credit card."

With a weary sigh, you did as she asked. "Here's the key," she said, shoving it into your hand. "Now, shoo, shoo. You're interrupting my smoke break."

Well, that sure was a friendly send-off, wasn't it? Nonetheless, you and Bill trudged on out to the parking lot once more. Bringing your car around to the room, you got out and popped the trunk open, your arms trembling as you lifted it. God, you wanted some sleep.

"Can't believe that you said yes to this room," Bill said, tossing his backpack out of the trunk. "I mean, only one bed? Yeesh!"

You groaned a little as you heaved your own bag out. "Look, I'm too damn tired to go and find another motel. We're kind of stuck with what we have. So, how do you wanna split it? Do you want the bed, or can I have it?"

He gave a half-hearted shrug. "I mean, we could share the bed."

"Share the—no!" you said. Something briefly sputtered back to life in you. "We can't share the bed. You heard the lady, it's only a twin size. There's no way we can both fit! Not without someone falling on the floor in the middle of the night, at least," you added.

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