Chapter Twenty-Three: I Found

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Thump, thump, thump. Thump, thump, thump. The thrum of blood filled your ears as you crouched behind a large rock, veins singing in the cold, rainy night. All around you, the world beat out a similar rhythm, rain pelting the rock and the mud and the bare trees as the wind howled and the thunder boomed.

You glanced at the trees, a chill sinking into your bones. The sensation of something lurking out there, looking for you, settled into you as you watched the empty forest. Shivering, you pressed yourself against the rock.

You flinched as lightning flashed, revealing a hulking figure on the horizon. You flattened yourself against the rock, your heart thudding against your ribcage.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Please, please, please let it have not seen you. Please!

The sound of mud squelching beneath feet extinguished your hopes. One footstep, then two, then a steady beat of them rang out, getting closer by the moment. All the hairs on your arms and legs rose, tingling. It was coming.

Your eyes darted around, praying to find a hiding space, but nothing offered itself up. Your heart screamed, and you wanted to, too.

With nowhere else to turn, you pressed your face against the rock once more.

A clap of thunder broke out overhead. Despite having your face flush to the rock, you saw the figure behind you, a dark, hulking thing with large, shining square teeth and flashing yellow eyes. It chuckled.

"I fooound yoooou," it said in a sing-song voice. "Now, come on and PLAY!"

Teeth flashed, mouth red, and you opened your lungs to scream—

The sky glowed a soft, gentle pink as you settled down on a cloud, sinking into its surface as all around you, a small herd of clouds floated by like sheep grazing on the light. Hovering just in front of you was a large, baby pink lizard, its small round eyes shining.

It spoke. "Hello there, (Y/N)."

You paused. "... who are you?"

The lizard seemed to smile at this question, blinking its eyes long and slow. "Who am I?" it said. Its tail swished. "I suppose that would depend on who you asked. But as for you? You can think of me as your... guardian."

"My... guardian?"

"Yes, your guardian." Its tail flicked once more. "I thought I'd come along and offer you a little assistance, what with your unwanted visitor—" It made a face. "—and your, ah, current surroundings. Fir needles are not the best bedding, to say the least."

"My... what? Wait, how do you know about that?"

It hummed in response. "You could say that I've been keeping an eye out for you. I know about everything that's happened so far. And let me assure you: it will all be okay."


"Really. You don't give yourself enough credit, you know," it said. "You have a lot more in you than you think. All you need is a little push. And I'm here to provide it."

You frowned. "Yeah, but why? Why bother to help me out?"

"A fair question." It nodded. "I can tell you this: I am here because you have something important to do. Something very important."

"And? What is it?"

It let its tongue peek out from between its lips. "That is not for me to say at this time," it said. "But let me say this: while I know that you are not keen on it now, I trust you to make the right decision."

Wayfarer [Bill Cipher x Reader] [REVISED]Where stories live. Discover now