Chapter Twenty-Seven: One of the Drunks

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The motel door had never been so welcoming as when you and Bill finally trod up to it, your dress clothes rumpled and disheveled from the party. With a click, the door fell open and the two of you stumbled inside.

You collapsed into a chair next to the door. "Hey, Bill?" you said, turning to him as he sat down heavily on the nearest bed. "How are you feeling right now?"

"She knows now," he muttered to himself. "She knows."

"Dude?" you asked. "Are you okay?" You touched his shoulder.

He flung your hand away and burst into sobs.

For a few moments, all you could do was stare. Bill. Crying. Bill was here. In the room. Crying. Oh my God. What on earth was happening? What were you supposed to do?

You inhaled. Um... talk to him. Talking to him would be helpful, right? You slowly settled down next to him. "Are you okay?" you asked. You almost slapped yourself. Dumb question. Of course he wasn't! "What's wrong?"

"I'm tired," he mumbled. "So, so tired."

You patted his back. "I know. Take it easy, okay?"

You rubbed gentle circles on his back as his ragged breaths continued. You made a point of looking away from his face. He probably didn't want to be reminded of how vulnerable he was being right now.

For the longest time, all you could hear was his labored breathing. Eventually, though, the harsh gasps slowed. Finally, they subsided. You gave him a few more pats on the back for good measure. "Are you feeling better now?"

He gave the slightest of nods.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He flinched. Then, he shook his head.

"Are you sure?" you asked. "I mean, if you don't want to, that's fine, but if you want to talk, I'm here for you. I know you're dealing with a lot right now. Coming out as gay to a bunch of people at once is probably not fun."

His head whipped towards you. "I'm not gay."

"Alright." You nodded. "Well, what are you, then?"

"I dunno," he muttered. "Just... not gay. But also not straight." He paused for a long moment. "Hormones are confusing, okay? I don't have time for this... this oxytocin bullshit," he hissed. He put his head back in his hands. "Oh, God. You probably think that's wrong, too, dontcha?" he muttered. Tears welled back up in his eyes. "Stupid, stupid, stupid..."

"No, I get it," you replied. You patted him on the back again. "Feelings are pretty confusing. And I don't blame you for how you were about it back there. People like that don't deserve explanations." Your mouth tightened.

He sniffled. "You really believe that? You don't think that I shoulda been nicer or anything?"

"Of course not. Like I said, people like that don't deserve to be treated that nicely. Although," you added, "the dead brother thing might've been a bit much. I think that you could've done without that."

"She deserved it, though," he muttered. "Daniel'd be ashamed of her, the way she goes on."

You sighed. "Well, I guess so. I mean, if I had a sibling that openly homophobic..."

He covered his face. "Oh, fuck. She made me come out. She made me come out to all those people, just 'cuz she wouldn't lay off Norm..." He groaned. "What are they gonna do? Everyone back in Orchard Hill is gonna talk..."

"Hey, it's okay.". You patted his arm. "Nothing says that you have to go and see them again, right? So they don't matter. They can't do anything to you."

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