Chapter Twenty-Four: Wish That You Were Here

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If you had to give the sensation of burying your face in clean sheets a rating right now, it would be an eleven out of ten. The moment you saw the bed, all soft and neat, you collapsed into it. "Oh my God," you muttered against the bedding. "This is HEAVEN!"

This little godsend had come after an hour of driving, looking for a proper large town before you practically dove into the first decent-looking motel you saw. No price comparisons, no review checking, nothing. You just dove in, ready for anything resembling a proper place to stay: somewhere with carpeting, actual mattresses, running water, and of course, Wi-Fi. And of course, this place delivered two whole rooms' worth of that. That way, you were able to have some privacy for a change.

You sighed, deflating into the bed. After the misery of the past two days... well, you deserved to rest, didn't you?

And rest you did. You closed your eyes and drifted off into a sort of half-sleep in the full sunshine, surrendering yourself to the luxury of repose.

After who knows how long, you lifted yourself off the mattress with a groan. Your hand fell onto the front of your shirt, brushing the various patches of dirt and bits of fir needles that were still stuck to you. Ugh! You needed a shower and a fresh change of clothes ASAP. There was no way that you were staying like this when you had hot water ten feet away from you.

You shuffled off into the bathroom and, peeling your dirty, sweaty clothes off, took the long, hot shower you deserved.

Then, changing into a clean set of clothes, you returned to the main room. Your stomach rumbled. Well, it looked like it was time to get some food into your system! Fetching yourself a bag of chips, you munched on them as you readied the room's hot water kettle and a little tea bag, both courtesy of the hotel. A nice hot cup of tea. How lovely that sounded!

Pouring yourself some boiling water, you made yourself a cup of tea. The heat of the drink seeped through the Styrofoam cup as you held it, warming your bones.

You took a nice, long sip from your cup as you pulled out your phone. You turned the data and the Wi-Fi on, noting with satisfaction the three bars and the Wi-Fi symbol that appeared up at the top.

Immediately, several notifications popped up, all bearing your mother's name. Oh crap, that was right. You had forgotten to text again.

You opened up the conversation to find three separate texts, stating:

	You opened up the conversation to find three separate texts, stating:

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Ah, fuck. You'd really done it this time. It looked like it was time to call her to apologize before she sent the cops after you. You glanced at the time on your phone. It was 1:39 pm. Well, California was an hour behind, so... it should be your mom's lunch break right now! A good time to call. You clicked the little call icon and put the phone up to your ear.

The dial tone sounded for a long time before a voice came to life on the other side of the line. "(Y/N)?" Your mother's voice quavered a little. "Is that you?"

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