Chapter 16

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Ricky knew one thing and one thing only. He needed to take Nini on a date and he needed to do it soon. They had already been dating for a week and he had never taken her on an actual date.

The only problem is that they can't be seen together. Meaning that no matter how much Ricky wants to take her on a real date, he can't.

So he goes to the only person he can think of for advice, Nini's best friend Kourtney.

They had been introduced when Nini and Ricky were about 3 months into fake dating, and when they started dating she gave him her number and told him to use it if he ever needed advice. She probably didn't expect him to use it so soon though.

When he called her she picked up on the second ring.

"Hello this is Kourtney Greene speaking"

"Hey Kourtney. It's Ricky, Nini's boyfriend."

"Oh hi Ricky what do you need"

"I need some advice. I really want to take Nini on a date, but we can't be seen together. I wanted to do some romantic dinner or something, but with us not really being able to leave Nini's apartment I don't know what to do."

There was silence over the line while Kourtney thought about what he could do.

"You could do a picnic. Nini said she really liked the last picnic you took her on. Her only complaint was "I wish it was real" so she'll probably like it. You could set up a blanket in the living room and have some food and wine."

"That's perfect, thank you Kourt. You're a lifesaver."

"Anytime" Kourtney said, before she hung up.

Ricky quickly scrambled around Nini's apartment, getting everything he needed for the picnic, a blanket, food, pillows and even some candles.

He set everything up just in time for Nini to come back from a meeting.

"What is all this" Nini asked as she walked through the door and saw what Ricky had set up.

"Our date" Ricky responded, grabbing her hand, leading her to their picnic.

"This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me" she said when she sat down.

They ate and enjoyed their date, talking about everything from what they were working on to where they see themselves in the future.

When they were done eating Ricky quickly cleaned up as Nini changed into comfier clothes.

When they were both done they settled on the couch and watched a movie.

About halfway through the movie, with her head on Ricky's chest, Nini said, "This is the best date I've ever been on."

"Really? This little picnic in your living room is the best date you've ever been on?"

"Yeah, I've been on some pretty cool dates before but this one is us. It perfectly embodies who we are and that's what makes it the best"

"Even better than all the other dates I took you on"

"Yes, even better, because this time I don't have to hide how much I want to kiss you"

"While since you don't have to hide it what are you waiting for" Ricky teased as they both leaned in and met in a kiss.

It Don't Feel Like We're Faking | A Rini StoryWhere stories live. Discover now