Chapter 18

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During their now six month relationship Ricky has spent 90% of that time at Nini's apartment. He's spent so much time there he practically lives there.

One day Ricky was woken up to the sound of someone throwing up. He quickly jumped out of bed and made his way to the bathroom where he found his girlfriend bent over the toilet.

"Hey baby" he said, grabbing a hair tie off the counter and putting her hair up into a loose bun to keep her hair out of the way, and started softly rubbing circles on her back.

When she was done throwing up they both sat on the bathroom floor, her sitting in between his legs with her back to his chest and his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Do you want me to cancel my studio session today?" he asked her. "No, I'm feeling a little better now, but can you get me some water?" she asked, looking up at him. "Of course" he said, pressing a light kiss to the top of her head, before standing up and going to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

He came back with her water a minute later, "Are you sure you don't want me to cancel and stay here?"

"I'm sure. You need to go record and I'll be fine here" she clarifies.

"Okay, I have to go get ready. You take it easy today" he said, pressing a kiss to her check and hedging off to go get dressed for the day.

While Ricky was getting ready Nini made her way to the living room and sat on the couch putting on netflix and wrapping herself in a blanket.

5 minutes later Ricky came into the living room ready to leave, "I'm only going to be gone for a few hours. I'll be back by dinner."

"I promise I'm okay. Stop worrying, go and record all the songs you wrote about me" Nini said and Ricky's eyes went wide. "I- I- I don't know what you're talking about."

"Keep telling yourself that," she said.

After Ricky left Nini immediately called her friend Kourtney.

"Kourt I need you to do something for me," she said when Kourtney answered the phone.

"What did you do?"

"Help now, ask questions later. I need you to go to the store and get me a pregnancy test."


"I know, I know, but I've been throwing up and I'm late and I just need to take a test. And you know how crazy the press would get if someone sees me buying a pregnancy test. Please."

"I'll be there in 20 minutes," Kourtney said, hanging up.

20 minutes later Kourtney was at her door with 2 different types of tests. "You're lucky I love you because that was one of the most embarrassing things I've ever done," she said as she walked into the apartment.

"Just give me the test and we can talk after I take them" Nini said and Kourtney handed her the bag.

Without another word Nini walked to her bathroom and closed the door behind her. Kourtney gave her some space to take the test, but after a few minutes she started to hear soft cries coming from the bathroom.

"Can I come in," she asks quietly as she knocks on the bathroom door. A few seconds later the door opened and coming face to face with a tear stained Nini.

"What did the test say?" Kourtney asked. "I don't know yet. I still have to wait another 3 minutes. It's just- I can't do this Kourt. I can't be a mom, I'm only 25. I'm not ready for that. Me and Ricky have only been dating for 6 months. We're not ready to have a baby. And- oh my god my moms are going to be so disappointed. How am I going to tell my moms? How am I going to tell Ricky? What if he leaves? I can't do this alone." Nini rambles.

"Nini, Nini calm down. Ricky loves you and if that test is positive he's going to stand by you and be there for you. But Nini we don't even know if that test is positive yet, why don't we wait until the test is ready before we start worrying about the what ifs. Okay" Kourtney said, putting her hand on Nini's arms to get her attention. "Okay"

The timer was up a minute after their conversation, but that was the longest minute of Nini's life. Nini had taken two different types of test, one that had 1 line if negative and 2 lines if positive and one that was digital and just said positive or negative.

When the timer went off Nini checked the one with the lines first. One line. Then she checked the digital one. Negative.

"Oh thank god" Nini said, putting her face in her hands.

Kourtney stayed for another hour after Nini took the tests, but left before Ricky came back.

When Ricky came back Nini was back on the couch watching TV. "Hey babe" he said as he walked up to her and planted a kiss on top of her head. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yep, much better," she said, looking up at him and smiling.

When Rick left the room Nini changed her focus back to the TV.

"Nini? Why is there a pregnancy test box in the trash?" Ricky asked from the other room and her eyes went wide. She quickly jumped off the couch and rushed to the bathroom where she found Ricky holding the box.

His eyes were wide and he was breathing heavily. He took a deep breath before asking, "Nini, are we having a baby?"

"No, I'm not pregnant. I just had some symptoms and wanted to take a test, but they were negative" Nini said and Ricky let out a sigh of relief and pulled her into his arms.

"Look I want kids someday, but right now is not the right time." He said with her still in his arms.

"I agree. Maybe a few years down the road, but right now is just not the right time"

That night as they were laying in bed but Nini was having trouble falling asleep. She had too much on her mind.

"Ricky," Nini said. "What?" he asked half asleep.

"What would you have done if I was pregnant?" she asked him. "What do you mean?" he questioned, his eyes still closed ready to fall asleep

"Would you have left me?" she asked quietly. This made Ricky open his eyes and sit up. He grabbed her face in his hands and made her look him in the eyes. "Leaving you would have been the last thought to cross my mind if you told me you were pregnant. There's nothing you could do to make me want to leave you. I love you" he said, pecking her lips before laying back down and soon enough they both drifted off to sleep.

It Don't Feel Like We're Faking | A Rini StoryWhere stories live. Discover now