Chapter 14

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Nini and Ricky's privet accounts:

Nini and Ricky's privet accounts:

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Nini was so happy the next morning

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Nini was so happy the next morning. She got her boy and she finally got some real sleep. When she woke up she rolled over to see Ricky but he wasn't there. Was it a dream. Was it all just a dream.

As she sat up in bed she heard a sizzle coming from her kitchen. When she walked into her kitchen she saw a shirtless Ricky making her food. When she did a large smile appeared on her face and she walked up and hugged him from behind.

"Hi baby," Ricky said, grabbing her arm lightly, spinning around so he was facing her. He planted a peck on her lips and then turned back to the pancakes he was making. "I have a shoot today so I thought I'd make you breakfast before I have to leave." Nini smiled as she continued to hug him from behind.

"What if I come back over after my shoot, and we can finish that movie we started last night." Ricky said as he handed her her food. Nini smiled and said, "I'd really like that."

Ricky went to his shoot leaving nini alone in her apartment to think about everything that just happened

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Ricky went to his shoot leaving nini alone in her apartment to think about everything that just happened.

"Wow that actually happened" Nini whispered to herself, and the biggest smile appeared on her face. "Ricky Bowen actually likes me back"

 "Ricky Bowen actually likes me back"

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Ricky knew he needed to ask her he just didn't know how

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Ricky knew he needed to ask her he just didn't know how. "Dude you could literally kill a puppy in front of her and she'd still like you, I don't get why you're so worried" EJ said.

"It's just. She's so perfect so I need to make this perfect for her" Ricky said while the makeup artist applied powder onto his face. "I can't mess this up Elijah." "Oh your pulling Elijah out this must be serious," EJ jokes, nugging his shoulder. Ricky looked him dead in the eyes and said, "This is the most serious I have been since I decided I wanted to start releasing music."

"Your going to her apartment after this right," EJ asked and Ricky nodded. "Then on your way there stop somewhere, get her a bouquet of her favorite flowers and ask her, it's simple and out of the sight of the paparazzi."

"That is actually a really good idea. When did you get so good at giving dating advice," Ricky asked. EJ just shrugged and walked to where his photographer was.

When Ricky finished his shoot he did exactly what EJ old him to do. He went to the florist and bought the biggest bouquet of sunflowers that they would sell him.

When he got to her door he kept the flowers behind his back. The door to her apartment was open so he just walked in. When he did he saw Nini at her kitchen island on her laptop, doing work. He shut the door behind him and walked toward her.

He set the flowers down on the counter, and walked closer to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist causing Nini to jump not expecting the contact. "Hi baby" Ricky whispered. "You scared me," he said, turning around to face him. She then wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. "Well you really need to get into the habit of locking your door because someone could easily walk in here and take you. And no one would want that" he said into her neck.

"I got you something," Ricky said as they pulled apart. Walked over to the other side of Nini's kitchen and picked up the flowers he bought her. "These are for you," he said, handing them to her. "Ricky they're so beautiful" she said, tears forming in her eyes. "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl."

"Nini I really, really like you and I was wondering if you would maybe want to be my girlfriend" Ricky said. He was extremely nervous but he was hiding his nerves pretty well. "I would love to be your girlfriend Ricky, but only if you get to be my boyfriend." "That sounds amazing," Ricky said, leaning down to give her a kiss that she quickly returned.

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