Chapter 4

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Ricky arrived at her apartment building only a few minutes after he sent his last text. Before all of this Ricky never realized how close Nini lived to him. He had known of her, obviously. Before moving to LA he went to a normal school, and all of his friends were obsessed with her, like practically in love with her. But after he moved he didn't have all of his friends talking about her and he didn't really hear about her, until now.

When he got to her apartment he knocked on the door. Not even a second later the door opened to reveal a smiling Nini standing in the doorway. "I had an idea" she said when she opened the door. "Okay, lead the way" he responded.

Nini led them to one of the extra rooms in her apartment that had been set up as a little studio. "Wow, this place is awesome" Ricky said walking into the room and looking around. There were windows covering two of the four walls. In one of the corners there was a little booth for recording. In the opposite corner there was a couch with throw pillows and lots of blankets that seemed to be a good place for writing.

When Nini walked into the room she walked straight to the couch and sat down in a spot that she seemed to have been setting in earlier

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When Nini walked into the room she walked straight to the couch and sat down in a spot that she seemed to have been setting in earlier. Ricky walked over and sat on the other end of the couch.

"This is one of my songwriting books" Nini said holding up a notebook and showing it to Ricky. "In this one I just write random lyrics that I think of and don't want to forget, and whenever I don't know what to write I look in here to get some inspiration, and I think I found something good for this. It could maybe be a bridge or something, I don't know. Here it goes."

"Maybe your heart still stops when you see me
Maybe it's worth another try
Better place
Better time"

"Oh my god Nini yes. That is perfect" Ricky said. "Let's get a feeling for what the song could be about. From your bridge I get the impression of two lovers who broke up but want to get back together, maybe one tried to move on but failed-" he said but was cut off but Nini.

"After all is said and done I can't just pretended I'm moving on"

Ricky nodded as he chimed in.

"Da da da dada da da
My hearts no longer broken
For a moment, just for a moment"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes" Nini said, writing the lyrics down.

They stayed up for hours writing and perfecting their song. And when they were done writing they stayed up for a few more hours just talking about anything and everything.

They talked about why they got into music, which moved into what they write about and failed relationships and the amount of fake people in the industry. After that they moved into talking about their childhoods and what happened before their fame. Before they knew it, it was 8 am.

It Don't Feel Like We're Faking | A Rini StoryWhere stories live. Discover now