Chapter 3

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Nini showed up to her meeting five minutes early. She was hoping to get there earlier so she could be there before the other artist, but her plan fell through when she stayed up until 3 am watching criminal minds. So when she walked into the room she was met with her manager, a man she didn't recognize, and Ricky Bowen.

She immediately recognized him. She used to be one of his biggest fans. When she was still a smaller artist she loved to listen to his music before writing or recording. It would always relax me and get her motivated to sing.

"Nini this is Ricky Bowen and his manager Benjamin, Ricky this is Nini Salazar-Roberts" she said gesturing to each of them as she introduced them.

They shook hands before sitting back in their seats to listen to what their managers had to say.

"Okay so as both of you probably know we are interested in you two possibly doing a collab song, and we were hoping it could be a love song because that seems to be both of your most popular types of songs and they alway seem to do the best in the charts." Jenn said. "We were hoping it would be released in October so you would have about a month to write and record it. What do you guys think"

Nini and Ricky looked at each other and tried to communicate with each other without actually saying any words and just using their eyes. Nini gave ricky a quick nod and he nodded back at her. "Okay we'll do the collab" Ricky said to their managers.

"Perfect" Jenn said, "but there's one more thing. Since you two are writing a love song and neither of you are in relationships we thought it would be a good idea if you two pretended to date. It would only be for six months and then once the six months are over you never have to see each other again." "And it's probably better if you don't see each other after that," Ricky's manager said, "You know, we wouldn't want any unnecessary bad publicity."

"Um I don't know about that. Jenn you know I just got out of my relationship with Dave, and that was a very messy and very public break up. I don't want people to think I just jump from guy to guy" Nini said. "People wouldn't think that. They would think that you are moving on. People know the break wasn't your fault, and they would be happy you have some new arm candy. Just think about it okay. I need your answer by Friday" Jenn said. And with that the meeting was done as they all went their separate ways.

 And with that the meeting was done as they all went their separate ways

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It Don't Feel Like We're Faking | A Rini StoryWhere stories live. Discover now