Chapter 13

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Ricky was broken. Not being able to see her, and hug her. Not being able to hear her voice humming new song ideas. Not being able to talk with her about how broken he felt, and not being able to get the advice he really needed. And he couldn't stand feeling broken.

He couldn't sleep. He didn't know if it was the change in temperature outside, or his confusion with his feelings for Nini, but he knew he needed sleep and there was only one way he could think of to put his mind at rest.

Visiting Nini.

He knew it was stupid but what else was he meant to do, go to his shoot with bags under his eyes, no. He had to do this.

He quickly got out of bed and put some decent clothes on. When he did he could just about see his clock in his parifrial vision. 3:47 it read. "Shit" he muttered but continued getting ready.

It was 4 in the morning by the time Ricky reached Nini's apartment. He knew coming here to her place in the middle of the night was a bad idea but he did it anyway. So without too much thought he knocked on her door, loud enough for her to hear but hopefully not loud enough to wake up the neighbors.

"Ricky what are you doing here" she asked as she opened the door. "I really have to talk to you. Can I come in" he asked and Nini nodded moving slightly out of the way to let Ricky into her apartment.

"Why are you up right now, it's the middle of the night" He asked, trying to ignore his nerves. "I could ask you that same thing" she replied, looking up at him for the first time since he walked into her apartment. "Couldn't sleep," he said. "Same"

They stood awkwardly in Nini's living room for a few minutes before Nini spoke up. "Ricky why are you here. You know we're not meant to be near each other. I meen what if someone saw you coming here. The rumors could be spreading as we speak, and-" before she could finish her sentence she was cut off by Ricky.

"I like you Nini, like for real. That's why I'm here, because until I get that off my chest I can't do anything. I can't get coffee without thinking of you and all of the deep talks we had, I can't write a song without thinking of you and all the times we would help each other write. Fuck I can't even sleep without thinking about you and how we used to be when we were 'dating'," he said putting airquotes around the word dating. "And I miss it, I miss cuddling while watching movies even if it was just for an instagram story, or kissing you for all those photos, and all of the dates we went on just for the paparazzi to catch us. I want that Nini. I want it to be real. And I know coming here was probably a waste of time, and you don't feel the same way, and that's fine I just need to let you know before I can completely cut off contact. Goodbye Nini" he said turning and making his way to the door to leave.

When he reached the door he gave her one last look seeing her frozen in the same spot she was in as he was spilling his guts to her, giving her one last smile he opened the door and left closing it behind him.

Nini was frozen for a few seconds after he left before she realized what was going on.

"Ricky wait" Nini yelled as she ran out of her apartment not caring who heard her. He turned around when he heard her and saw her practically running at him.

When she reached where Ricky was standing she grabbed the back of his head and pulling his face toward her placing his lips on hers forcefully. They both melted into the kiss. Obviously it wasn't their first kiss but It was definitely one they were going to remember. They both put all of their emotions into the kiss. All of the pain and love they had felt was put into that kiss and it was perfect.   

When they pulled apart Nini whispered, "I like you too Ricky." Those 5 words made Ricky smile from ear to ear, quickly pull her into a hug and spin her in a circle. Nini laughed at his actions.

"We should probably get back into your apartment" Ricky said as he put her back down realizing they were still standing in the middle of the hallway. "Probably" Nini said laughing slightly grabbing his hand, leading him back to her apartment.

When they got back they decided to just enjoy each other's company and watch a movie. "I'm tired," Nini said, about 30 minutes into the movie. "I haven't slept in 3 days."

"Come on let's get you to bed" Ricky said, picking her up bridal style, carrying her to her bedroom and gently placing her on her bed. He gave her a light kiss on the forehead before making his way to the living room, since he planned on just sleeping on her coach.

"Ricky, I want to cuddle more" She said as he was about to leave. She patted the spot in her bed next to her telling him to lay there. He smiled and layed down next to her. She wrapped her arms around him, laid her head on his chest and said, "I just got you, you don't think I'm letting you that easy do you," and Ricky laughed.

They fell asleep in that position with Nini arms around Ricky and her head resting on his chest. And hey both wouldn't have it any other way.


I'm really sorry for not updating in a month. A lot has happened in the last month. First I got swamped with homework, then I got a bad case of writer's block. Then I got a concussion meaning I couldn't write for 2 weeks, then I had homework to make up, and now I finally have time to update. Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoyed the new chapter.

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