Chapter 22

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They decided the best thing to be would be to wait a week before posting about their relationship.

The night before the announcement they were laying in bed brain storming ideas about how to announce their relationship.

"Do we do a post or an interview explaining the whole fake dating and then falling for each other but having to hide it thing" Ricky suggests.

"I don't know it just seems so personal. And I want to share our relationship online but I don't think they need to know every detail about our relationship"

"How about we just post like we did when we were fake dating, only this time were actually together. We could just post a photo of us together and people will just think we got back together. Then when people ask us about how we got back together we'll just ignore it to refuse to answer the question"

"That sounds perfect" Nini said, leaning up and planting a kiss on his lips.

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