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{No POV}

When Marinette awoke and shakily but carfully sat up in the strange bed she was on, she immediately spotted a girl dressed in only a very sexy bra that showed off the girl's breasts and a truthfully-speaking skimpy panty, Marinette groaned quietly as she tried to make some sense of her situation.

Then she felt like puking so she raced to the bathroom.

Awakening the sleeping half-naked girl who only groaned in tiredness before going after her to help her.


When Adrien awoke with a pounding in his head and the after taste of whiskey in his mouth, he immediately raced to the thankfully easily spottable bathroom to puke awakening two others in the room.

One of which, Felix (by sound), following him to help him.

When he found a moment of reprieve from emptying his stomach he groaned out the most important question in his mind.

"What in the world happened Last Night?" Adrien bemoaned.

Felix grimaced slightly as Nino looked at him expectantly and Adrien resumed Puking.


Faced in the same situation, the Marinette-look-alike froze up awkwardly.

"Um... about that~" She began awkwardly before clearing her throat and answering.

"Well, um... Last Night, I was performing at the club across the street for Kareoke when you two came in with two guys, a blonde and a guy with glasses and headphones. Oh, and this really sexy guy with this pseudo-suit outfit that looked a lot like the first blonde guy but seemed more serious—" The girl said before pausing and clearing her throat as she noticed the deadpans.

"Right." The girl said, "Well after I finished my song I went to the bar and saw all of you there after I ordered my drink right next to me. So I said hi politely and then suddenly pigtails here and the blind looking blonde started trying to get to know me, and then the suit and tie of your group recognized me as my alter ego, Athea..."


Felix continued after briefly calming them, "Then we all started drinking together after getting me to agree to keep Athea's secret but she and I took it easier on the drinks then the rest of you. Blogger and Pigtails then went and sang a few songs and then you two joined them drinking between songs and then when you four were all wasted enough the only way Athea and I could get you all to come to the hotel across the street from the bar and sleep in separate rooms for the night was for Athea and I to sing a duet of Blogger Girl's choosing. So we sang and then dragged you four to this hotel, I rented us boys a room and the girls went to Athea's room with her and then I dragged you two here with me..." Felix explained.


"Nino fell asleep quickly as soon as he hit the bed and Adrien followed soon after that next to Nino. Then you two fell asleep on the bed here in this room and I went to check on Felix. Felix and I then had a couple more drinks and then split ways for the night." Athea explained

Alya then looked at her in curiosity, "That's all well and good, but why are you in your bra and panty?"

Athea got lost in thought with an amused smirk.


Felix looked away with a proud smirk as the guys looked at his hickey covered bare chest after taking in his almost naked appearance.

"Why are you in just your boxers and covered in hickies?" Adrien asked suspiciously.

Felix just rolled his eyes amusedly, "For your information, no I did not sleep with Athea. However we did make out quite a bit and almost did have sex. But she relented when I told her no like a lady."

Nino and Adrien gaped in shock at Felix as he led the way out of the bathroom and to the area of the room where Felix's clothes had clearly been tiredly dropped off into a small pile by the foot of the couch by him.


"You almost slept with Felix?!" The girls exclaimed.

Athea tensed awkwardly remembering having had to drink a lot of whiskey to cool off her hormones after the event in question.

"Well, yeah... He is pretty hot and seemed nice enough and interested by late last night. So I tried take things further when we were well within our make-out session but he refused and despite all my flaws I am a lady first and foremost. I respected his choice and just let him be as he asked.


"Why didn't you at least keep making out with her?" Nino asked.

Felix recoiled awkwardly.

"Well uh — I um — I have never slept with a woman before and I didn't want my first experience sleeping with someone being while intoxicated. I would prefer to remember and be able to be fully aware." Felix explained.

Nino and Adrien faced palmed before Nino continued.

"What did she say when you told her you didn't want to sleep with her?" Nino asked.

Felix shrugged in slightly confusion.

"Strangely enough she simply smiled understandingly and pulled away telling me she understood what I wanted, thought it was a good way to approach sex, and then offered to keep making out only if I really wanted to and she wouldn't push any further than that. I felt awkward so I told her that I was really tired and then fled for this room."

Nino and Adrien grimaced in absolute disappointment at Felix's reaction.


The girls groaned while Athea just laughed lightly at their reaction.

"I can't believe that jerk. What a blockhead." Alya bemoaned in exasperation.

Athea just laughed a bit harder, "Honestly, I'm not upset about it. Perhaps a bit sexually frustrated but it's not the first time I've been left like this and certainly not the last. I can take care of my own needs eventually once I'm all alone without any immediate committments. He wasn't ready to have sex right then and was feeling awkward about accepting my offer to continue making out after having rejected sex with me."

The girls smiled glad to know she was as understanding as she was kind.

Athea then stood up which made the girls notice something unexpected.

"Um, Athea? Why do you look so different from on stage? Also why do you look so much like Marinette?" Alya asked.

Athea froze midstretch in awkward surprise.


Felix froze awkwardly mid stretch as he processed the question.

"Yeah, Felix, why DID you come to Paris on your own?" Adrien asked.


Please let me know if you'd be interested in reading more in the comments! :D

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