~Little Wolf on the Piano~

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{No POV}

In Gabriel Agreste's office silence reigned for a few moments before Violette spoke up sadly but seriously.

"I apologize for my rude way of mentioning everything I did, but I think it's fair to say you would not have listened otherwise, sir." Violette said bittersweetly to break the silence.

Gabriel nodded after a moment, "That is unfortunately true. I would not have listened otherwise. But how did you know about everything?"

Violette frowned sadly before answering after a moment, "I have photographic memory and I'm very observant so connecting the dots between hawkmoth or shadow moth and Gabriel Agreste was easy enough. I also was far enough out of the range of the likely magic involved in protecting your identity that there wasn't anything stopping me from connecting the dots on everything. You may be elusive Monsieur Agreste, but as an elusive person myself it wasn't difficult to figure out why a man like you would turn to becoming a supervillain practically overnight. Especially while being as successful in life as you have been and currently are. Especially once I researched you and found that your wife was apparently missing. While the rest of the world might be stupid enough to think that even an actress can easily go missing, I am not as stupid. Being a celebrity myself— in secret, mind you— I could tell that something likely happened to Madame Agreste for her to suddenly disappear."

Gabriel smiled bittersweetly.

"She used something that was broken and as a result was broken by the broken item... I became Hawk Moth and subsequentially Shadow Moth to bring her back. But never at the cost of Adrien or Nathalie or Adrien's happiness." Gabriel answered.

Violette smiled understandingly.

"I once thought a lot about how if there was a way to bring back Scarlette— my twin sister— I would do and pay anything to bring her back. But one day, when I crossed paths with someone that actually tried to kill someone for killing someone that the attempted murderer loved, I realized that that was just me succumbing to a vicious cycle of death, suffering and loss. That Scarlette being who she was would never have wanted me to do that to myself or to anyone else. Scarlette would have wanted me to move on and live my life as best as I could. So I did."

Nathalie smiled softly in understanding, "It's never been easy and never will, but you keep living moving forwards?"

Violette smiled bittersweetly in agreement, "Yes. I loved my twin sister. She was my perfect opposite. She was like the sun while I was always the moon. She was incredibly kind, caring and loving. Right to the very end. She died giving her life to save someone from getting hurt, even when that person was someone who had hurt her and alienated her relentlessly into an abyss of sadness and pain."

Gabriel smiled bittersweetly a small smile.

"I am sorry for the loss of your sister, she sounds like she was an incredible young lady." Gabriel said softly.

Violette smiled softly and nodded, "I'm sure Emilie was too. But she deserves to rest Gabriel. Just like Scarlette deserved to rest. She's probably been watching over you and Adrien closely and has been hurting watching you hurt yourself, Nathalie and Adrien. I know this not because of Scarlette but because I knew both Emilie and Amelie personally."

Gabriel and Nathalie were shocked, "You did?"

Violette nodded with a sad smile.

"My father used to own the entertainment management company that used to manage Emilie and Amelie. Scarlette and I used to love going with our dad to his job because we would get to see and interact with Emilie and Amelie. They were twins just like me and Scarlette and could always tell us apart. They would both play with us and even try to get our father to let us go with them here to Paris to meet their sons and husbands. But our father always refused being overprotective like always of his little girls. It was always so fun to play with them. I even still have the hair clip that Emilie gave me and the earrings that Amelie gave me. I just don't wear them often because I don't like risking running into a thief who would steal them from me. I even have the hair clip and earrings that they gave Scarlette." Violette explained.

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