~ A Fear ~

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{ No POV }

"So what can we do about that problem?" Chat Noir asked only slightly distracted still.

Ladybug began explaining the options and once finished Tundra almost fainted but was steadied by Wings.

"Are you alright, Tundra?!" Wings asked as Tundra focused instead on steadying herself physically and mentally.

Ladybug sighed and frowned sadly, "She's been transformed for much longer than someone completely new to a miraculous should and most of that time was with the concept of the Miraculous she's wearing being unbalanced. Flashes and spells like the she just experienced are apparently common in this situation according to Tikki. This kind of thing is extremely rare though, this kind of situation has only happened twice before and it was with the miraculous of the Black Cat and the Dragon. But the first creator of the miraculous resolved it by creating the miraculous of the Ladybug and the Snake."

Chat Noir and Wings grimaced as Tundra shakily stood back up straight on her feet.

"I'm okay, honestly. I'm almost always this exhausted anyways. These spells and flashes are nothing new. It's a bit more draining physically than I am used to at this point but I'm fine mentally. Still, we should find a solution soon. It hasn't been too long either since I first transformed, we really shouldn't let Wings reach this point, most people's bodies don't take well to this level of physical exhaustion."

Ladybug nodded, "The most convenient solution would be for Chat Noir and I to travel to the Temple of Guardians in Tibet and speak with the Order about this situation, but Paris NEEDS Ladybug and Chat Noir. We can't just leave Paris all of a sudden unprotected, especially with the butterfly now in the hand of Lila Rossi."

Tundra looked pensive for a moment or two before speaking.

"What if Chat Noir and Wings went to the Temple and you and I stayed here and enlisted the help of Rena and Carapace temporarily in case of an attack of an akuma, sentimonster or Lila. Also, with Rena and Carapace having their miraculous temporarily on hand, they could protect their families should the need arise." Tundra offered.

Ladybug smiled after thinking it over.

"It seems like a good idea honestly, but this time, we're having them change their entire look and transformation as soon as they get their hands on their miraculous to throw off Lila. We can't risk her knowing Rena Rouge or Carapace's identities. As for Chloe and Zoe. I can't do more than one of us going to the Mayor and Audrey to instruct them to lock down and stay somewhere as secure as possible for the time being. Just as a precaution." Ladybug said.

Tundra nodded an agreement, and Wings finally spoke up with slight concern.

"Are you sure you're up for this Tundra. You're clearly exhausted and if Lila were to attack with you like this and you get a spell or flashes..." Wings asked.

Tundra smiled assuringly, "Trust me, Wings. I'm up for it and CAN do this. I've had to do far more destructive things than this drunk almost out of my mind and on very strong medication at the same time. I can manage this just fine. What I need is for you two to go to the temple and speak with the Guardians there about making a miracle box that our miraculous can bond to."

Chat Noir went to disagree but Wings cut him off calmly, "I'll trust you, but you owe me a favor in return. Come on, Chat Noir. We need to hurry."

Chat Noir nodded reluctantly and took the Horse Miraculous from Ladybug. He put it on and then spoke the words.

"Plagg, Kaalki, Unify!" Chat Transformed.

Once transformed he nodded a goodbye to Ladybug and Tundra and using his horseshoe called forth his ability.

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