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After we were warmed up enough McGonagall sent us back to our dorms. Me and Matheo decided that we were going to make up a "fight" so we could "break up". Since Malfoy was apart of the plan he was going to start acting rude towards me and Harry again.

Especially when I force myself to date Harry. To be honest me and Harry hadn't talked for a while so I had to gain his trust somehow.

We got upstairs and sat on the bed. "You know, in order to do this we won't be able to make any contact at all, see each other, talk to each other," I swallowed hard. "And I have to date Harry. Meaning we may actually have to break up temporarily." Matheos eyes darken with sorrow. "Yes, I know."

He turned back to me. "But if it means I get to spend the rest of my life with you then I'll do it." I gave him a shy smile before sighing and looking down at my hands. "Now we just need to think of a plan."

Matheo sighed while standing up. He walked in front of me, picking me up by my waist and throwing me back down in the bed.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I giggled. He jumped on top of me and rested his head on my chest while wrapping his arms around my waist. "If this is the last time I get to see you I want to make it count." I giggled again.

I didn't like the idea of not being able to be in the presents of Matheo, I loved him to much. But unfortunately we have to.

I ran my fingers through his brown curly hair. I love Matheo so much, I can't wait till we're older and have mini Matheos. I laughed to myself.

"What's so funny?" Matheo asked looking up at me. "Nothing," I replied. "I was just imagining us having children." A smirk immediately grew on Matheos face. "Better start making them."

He said. My face immediately turned red while I hit his shoulder. He chuckled. "Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. He rested his head back onto my chest. We cuddled for a while a slowly drifted off.

"Get up love birds, it show time." We heard Malfoy say as he ripped the blankets off of our bodies. Matheo groaned. "Piss off Malfoy."

Malfoy scoffed, "Its not like I want to wake up this early either. But we have to start the plan so people think it's believable." I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands and sat up.

"So first, you two have to start yelling at each other as if your having an argument. Everyone in the Slytherin common room needs to hear."

Matheo sat up as well. "And what will you be doing?" He asked.

"I'll start trying to call you down before anything bad happens. Everyone knows how impulsive you are." At those words Matheo clenched his words and Malfoy smirked. "See?"

He asked looking down at Matheos fists. Matheo looked down at his hands and slowly unclenched them. "Let's just get this over with." I sighed.

We both stood up and faced each other. "What should we be arguing about?" He asked. I thought for a while. "About Lavender."


I nodded. "Here, look, let me start and you can follow along." He nodded. I sighed and got into character.

"You always talk about her! Especially to your friends! You never talk about me to you friends, only about Lavender!" I screamed as realistically as I could. Matheo knew exactly what to do.

"What the hell are you talking about Y/N?!" He screamed back.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! You act like Lavender is the most important thing in the world to you right now! I'm your fucking girlfriend Matheo! I want to feel loved to!"

He scoffed. "I think your just jealous." He said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah." To make things a little more realistic I walked up to him and slapped him across the face. "It's over Matheo. Since I'm so jealous why don't you go back to your backup hoe and see how jealous I can be." I said before storming out of the room.

I have to admit, part of me was angry. But the other part of me wanted to burst into tears. I kept reminding myself that I had to but it still felt wrong. I swear, I'll be with Matheo forever.

Is he the one; Matteo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now