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After the whole incident with Matheo I decided to take a break from school. I told Dumbledore that I had just received heartbreaking news that my very close uncle had passed away and I wasn't mentally stable.

He said I could have a few days off to collect myself but then I had to get a tutor to catch up again. Hermonie already tutors me a lot so I though I'd just ask her. I felt a little bad about what I said to Matheo, but he deserved it. I don't know why, but it just seems like he did.

I was hungry so I got up and ate the pancakes and orange that Hermonie brought me. She didn't bring me anything to drink so I got water from out of the sink in the girls dorm bathroom. It's was a pretty boring day. You yawn and decide to got back to sleep.

Matheos POV

Today was extra boring without Y/N. Was she really mad at me? Did my plan to see if she would get jealous work? I guess it did. But now I have to deal with Lavender. She's probably thinking I like her again. "Mr. Riddle!" Snape yelled.

I looked up to see what he wanted. "Pay attention in class. You don't want to end up like your brother." He said before turning away. "And what do you know about my brother?" I replied. Luna nudged him. "Shhh, just go with it."

I turned to face Luna and I shook my head. I guess he ignored me on purpose because he continued teaching. When the bell rung I grabbed my book and shoved into my bag then threw it over my shoulder.

I was walking out of the class and my plan was to go to Y/N's dorm to apologize but Lavender stopped me. "Hey Matt~" she said.

"Don't call me that." I replied. She pouted and crossed her arms. "You let Y/N call you that."

"Yeah, she's aloud to and no one else." I said as I looked up and saw Hermonie walking towards the dorms. "I got to go, cya."

I said without even looking at Lavender. I ran up to Hermonie. "How is she?" I asked. Hermonie shrugged. "I don't know, good I guess."

"You don't think her uncle actually died to do?" I asked while we walked. "Of course I do! Why would she lie about something like that?!"

She scolded me. "Yeah your probably right." We continued walking and when we got to the dorm door Hermonie asked me if I was sure I wanted to come it. I nodded and went it.

When we got into the room I saw Y/N putting on make up and she was in a short red robe.

Y/N turned around and when she saw me I could immediately tell she was already annoyed with me.


"What is he doing here?" I asked annoyed.

"Relax sweetheart." He started. "I just came to check on you."

He said as he plopped down on my bed, resting his arms behind his head and looking at the ceiling. "I have to get to class." Said Hermonie.

"I know Matheo doesn't mind skipping so y'all have fun." She walked out of the room leaving us alone. "So," Matheo started.

I continued doing my make up. "How old was your uncle when he passed?"

"What?" I asked.

"Your uncle? The one who died?" He said looking at me. I looked at him confused but then realized what he was talking about

. I scoffed and turned away. "Oh yeah." I started. I picked up my mascara and opened it.

I gently put it on my lashes while talking. "I lied about that."

He pretended to be shocked and gasped "You?!" He sat up. "I can't believe you would lie about something like that!"

I laughed and I could see his smirk from the corner of my eyes. My smile quickly faded and I could see his did to.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I could feel my eyes getting watery.

"You still like Lavender don't you?" I said while aggressively cleaning my make up brushes.

"Look at me." He said. I didn't but then he repeated it but only more demanding. He was always controlling and demanding.

I looked at him when he grabbed my wrist. "I don't love her." He said. I could see he was sorry, from his eyes. It hurt me. "I was just," he looked around the room.

"Testing out a theory." He looked back at me.

We stared into each other's eyes for a while. Then I smiled.

"Your different you know."

"Yeah?" He said.

"Yeah." We both smiled then bursted out laughing.

"Took you a while to notice." He said. I sat down beside him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He didn't move at all.

"I'm glad we're friends." I said.

"All the other boys in my muggle school always want to date me." I laughed. "Why wouldn't they?" He said. I got up and we faced each other.

"Your beautiful, smart, funny. What else could a guy ask for?" I saw him smile.

I could tell he was thinking about something because he turned away and a big smile plastered across his face.

It even made me smile. "That was cringey" we both died laughing at that point. "I know." He said. I looked at the clock and sighed.

"You have to go. The last class starts any minute." He sighed. "Okay." He stood up and I did the same. He walked towards the door and I went with him to escort him out.

He was about to walk out the door when I stopped him and pulled him into a hug. He was shocked at first, I could because his heart was beating fast. But then he hugged me back. He let go and we both smiled.

We said our goodbyes and he left. Then I was bored again. I decided to send a message to Dumbledore and I said I was recovering quickly and I will start attending school again tomorrow.

I sent it and headed off to bed. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.

End of part one

Is he the one; Matteo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now