Last edit for this book

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Hi guys! If you haven't noticed i've already published the first chapter of my new Matteo Riddle book called "The night we Met". The nostalgia is already coming back lmao. But anyways I won't be posting any more updates on here. I'll probably post the updates on that book or make a whole other book called "Updates" for y'all to check out. Thank you so so much for anyone who read this and supported me
on it while it was in the making. And thank you to those who are still reading it. As much fun as I had making this book i'm happy to say it's come to an end.

I've grown since this and learned how to make books better. Because trust me there was a lot of details I forgot to add into this book. Like whenever Matteo and Malfoy were asking so many questions about y/ns cat "Martian" is because it was going to kind of be like Scabbers where it was a human who got turned into an animal and Malfoy and Matteo were supposed to know who he was and it was going to unlock a whole other plot twist but unfortunately i failed of making that happen.

I will be posting updates on my books and writing tips! You can always DM me if you want!

With that being said i hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as i did. But don't miss it too much, because there's still more to come!

Is he the one; Matteo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now