3: Different Worlds

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The raven haired man standing there, holding Namjoon gun pointed, face twisted. He slightly leans closer and was taken back by the familiar features of the other male, immediately putting the gun away with lips parted.

"Namjoon? Shit, don't scared me like that-"

Jungkook this time froze when a sudden metal sword slices through the air and pins against his neck just as he was about to help Namjoon to his feet, eyes widening. The air escapes Namjoon once again, panicking to what the fuck is going on, as his eyes trails the sword to see -

What the hell!?

Yoongi, or a man who appears identical to Yoongi, stands there wearing an attire that Namjoon hasn't worn in decades. From the traditional hanbok, hair piece, even the sword - everything screamed anything but the modern day clothing era. The man has a nasty scar going down his right eyes, a mean snarl on his lips as he glares at Jungkook.

"Filthy pirate," He mutters in a low growl, "Where's the king?"

Even his voice is like Yoongi - Wait...

Namjoon glances between the two, letting the reality slowly settle down to what is going on.

The spell worked....

But it didn't bring his boys back.

Oh no.

Jungkook gulps thickly, eying the sword, "Um, wrong time period?"

The sword pins harder to his neck, forcing a wince out of the ravenette, "Don't try to amuse me, filthy bastard-"

"Fuck this damn headache - Can you two shut up - Oh shit."

All eyes now trails behind Jungkook, a voice coming from the hallway where the rooms are located, to see a man suddenly emerge from the darkness.

With a golden mask.

He stops in his place, glancing at the scene before his eyes with a hand rubbing his vivid red hair, "What type of role play did I just walk into?"


Confusion furrows Namjoon's eyebrows, now scrambling to his feet as he glances at all of them and was just about ready to speak but a sudden groan echoes from somewhere in the room.

Who is it now?

A head perks up from behind the couch, revealing a mess of raven hair and a familiar face coiling in pain. A hand rubs his head, stumbling to his feet. The familiar features left Namjoon breathless, feeling his chest squeeze as the man looks around confused and then back to himself.

"Wait, wasn't I locked up? Is this another of Mr. Kim's tests?"

Hoseok, but.... Not Hoseok at the same time.

Suddenly Jungkook pushes Yoongi's sword away with his gun in aggravation, "What is going on? Is this some type of prank? We don't have time for this shit! We have to get go to the funeral-"


Hoseok yelps when the masked man suddenly tackles him to the ground, hands on his neck squeezing his throat that Hoseok immediately started choking in desperation.


The panic Namjoon felt esclated to a higher range than it has ever been, using his fingers with his minimal magic he had left to yank the masked man off Hoseok and pin him to the wall. Jungkook quickly goes to Hoseok's side, helping him as he coughs aggressively to the lack of oxygen.

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