4: Travel

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*Slightly unedited*

Namjoon couldn't sleep for the whole night.

No matter how badly he tried.

All he thought about is the mistake he did, leading all to this point in time. He tried hard to figure out how he fucked this up so badly.

Was it because his emotions were coated by anger and rage?

Pulling out the darkest parts of his mind as the people he loves the most in this world?

Is that it?

Or are their universes just so close to his?

These were the questions that were fucking up with his head all night long while he monitored what the parallels are doing in his living room. It seemed as though they situated themselves at random places to sleep.

Taehyung was ready to kill anyone if they took the couch, so that's where he laid. Jungkook took the floor beside it, clearly having this odd, tied connection with the masked man. Hoseok scrunched himself up on one of the leather chairs, hugging himself tightly as he slept. Seokjin rested against the wall, having a vase to his possession to use as a weapon. Yoongi rested by the window bay, not sleeping instantly as he gazed outside but eventually did after everyone else was knocked out. Then there was Jimin, who slept on the kitchen island with a knife as a tedy bear.

All night Namjoon watched them.

He watched how they behaved in their sleep, how they interacted before they did. It's clear that they all don't like each other in some way, perhaps their world issues, but Namjoon finds it quite interesting actually how in different universes they still somehow know each other.

Gues they always do come back to each other somehow after all.

When morning rise up, Namjoon was preparing for their time travel trip. He tried this time to be more precises on how to locate his partners, hoping that this will end up running smoothly.

But when jumping in between time, anything can happen.

That morning he lured everyone awake with the thick scent of food to eat.

And it's astonishing to see how they like the foods that their equal counterpart also enjoyed.


"Alright everyone, I'm going to be blunt and say that we don't have time," Namjoon says, just as everyone finished their meal and are around the island table, "You all want to go home just as badly as I want to find my partners. So today, we will travel within time and -"

Jimin raised his hand, his chaotic smile wide, "Question! Will we die?"

Namjoon blinks, "I dunno, maybe."


"I actually have shit to do, so dying is out of the equation," Jungkook mutters bitterly, glaring at the sorcerer, "How is this going to work? Let's get it over with already!"

A deep grimace fills Namjoon's lips before he leans on the island, "Before we do, I have rules."

Taehyung tsks under his breath, "Of course you do."

"Rule 1, never tell anyone you're from another world. Whatever you do, adapt and that's it," Namjoon instructs, making Yoongi slowly nod silently, "Rule 2, Never talk to your counterpart of that world. It could cause some damage to the timeline. There's only so much I can do while travelling between time, so you will have to be responsible of that. Lastly Rule 3, Don't cause a mess. This will be different worlds we are entering. Different realities. Do not get tied up in their mess!"

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