10: Lust Wears Red

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Hoseok has no idea where he is right now.

Like at all.

Aimlessly he looks around the streets, at the sidewalk he woke up on to have completely no correlation to any memory as to where he is right now.

Did Namjoon send him back to his time?!

But if he did, why is he outside and not in his cell?

Did he let him roam free instead?

A quivering smile forms Hoseok's lips to the thought of never having to deal with Mr. Kim and his tests again. He can now he can make a living for himself a-and perhaps get a cat and live on how own.

And most definitely-

A loud horn suddenly rattles the air by a moving truck passing by, forcing an immediate sensation of a blow to Hoseok's chest.

But that wasn't the only thing.

The people walking around sound louder, voices echoing his ears. Laughter. Screeches of the new rookie idol group debuting or of an ice cream flavor they're tasting on their lips.


So many loud noises.

Hoseok's hands began to itch, breathing heavily with eyes closed while that familiar adrenaline rush cruised through his veins.

No longer was he hearing voices of friends greeting each other or hush conversations through the phone. No, it was replaced with the sound of his parents screaming at each other.

The sound of his mother crying hysterically as his father killed her.

The sound of his father making that same scream when Hoseok killed him for yelling at his face.


So. Much. Loud. Noises-

"Hell yeah man! I just finished the game and that shit was lit!"

Hoseok's drugged stare focuses to the boy standing before the crosswalk, talking on the phone with his bellowing loud voice and wide smile.

He's being too loud.

"Yeah! We are still meeting at that curry place right? I'm starving!"

Quietly Hoseok moves his feet slowly behind the boy, teenager most likely, dark eyes focused on that smile that he will forcefully sew shut just so he can stop talking!

Just as Hoseok kills him.

The louder he spoke, the more Hoseok's killing impulses rises, now standing behind him and raising a hand to yank his backpack-

"HOBI! There you are!"

Hoseok flinches to the new loud voice, teeth gritting each other as he slowly looks to the side but was suddenly attached by arms wrapping around his shoulders.


Someone is hugging him?

Tensely Hoseok froze, unsure on how to even react, just as the person pulls back.

It's a man.

An unfamiliar man.

Yet familiar at once.

Blonde hair that tenderly reaches his cheek bones cutely. Sullen face with this feline sharpness of his eyes. Small, but filled with this light of energy as his lips form a smile as he stares at Hoseok.

Who is this man?

Suddenly images from when he was at Namjoon's basement flashed his mind, remembering having to have seen this man through flashes of memory of his counterpart's vision.

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