hey, could you hold my hand || ricky x nini

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{author's note: title and some of the inspo are from fight for me from the heathers musical! this was for another ao3 request!}

she was backed into a corner, terrified more than she'd thought she'd ever have to be with her peers... maybe going to this party was a bad idea... maybe thinking that she could show up and just have a good time without worrying about anything else was dumb... being a girl really and truly sucked sometimes. she couldn't just put on a hot outfit and go out to a party with her friends (and boyfriend) without risking this sort of attention.

ricky had only just left for a moment to grab them both drinks and she hadn't anticipated being cornered in that brief period or maybe she would've gone with him. the young man, an acquaintance from some class some time ago, but whose name she could not recall, had her on edge from the start as he saunters up to her.

"nina salazar-roberts... can't believe i found you alone. you're always with that stupid boyfriend of yours." his eyes rake over her figure, and she can't believe how utterly self conscious she's started to feel in clothes she was so excited to wear.

"he's not stupid. and he's just grabbing drinks um, i'm having a great time with him tonight." she tries to assert his position nearby hoping that would be an incentive to back off, but it isn't. they're in a little corner, and instead of backing off he sort of steps closer to the young woman, causing her to step back, unfortunately locking herself between his much larger frame and the wall.

"oh he must be pretty stupid leaving you unattended looking like this..."

"i'm not a child i don't need a chaperone." she spits out in reply, though her words are shaky as he moves even closer to her and she knows physically fighting back isn't an option in which she would succeed.

"oh trust me, i think you're far from a child nina. if i was your boyfriend i would never take my eyes off of you-"

it's only when the guy in front of her, having her practically pinned against the wall, is yanked back forcefully that she can truly breathe again, but her breath is stolen once more when a punch is thrown. though at least it's not ricky who's getting hit.

"keep your hands off my girlfriend dedrick. i'll only say it once."

"we were just having a little chat bowen, no harm in that..."

"she looks terrified so i don't know how you don't see that as harm."

ricky is about to hit him again when he sees nini half covering her eyes at the scene.

she truly does look petrified at the scene in front of her... and ricky can't help but worry he's made things feel worse for her instead of better by punching dedrick. to be fair he fully deserved it. but now, he drops his arm back to his side from where he has it aimed at the young man who was causing nini such distress.

ricky shoots a glare back to dedrick but his focus turns immediately after to nini, who he pulls into his embrace which she's clearly more than eager to bury herself in; fear, and the beginning of what looks like tears shining in her deep brown eyes.

he leads her away, and they find themselves sitting on the porch swing outside the house, nini's face buried in his chest and his hand rubbing her back comfortingly.

"nini i am so so sorry... i wanna kill him for doing that to you..."

"no- ricky it's- it's not your fault. i guess i just- i shouldn't have to worry about this stuff."

"you shouldn't- no one should have to... we really do live in a society..." ricky shakes his head. "i know it's not my fault- but maybe if i hadn't gone to get those drinks he wouldn't have been able to do that to you..."

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