good for now | ricky x gina

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{author's note: this was an ao3 request! i hope you enjoy!

as a note: the request was for a pregnancy scare, so keep this in mind if you're uncomfortable with this sort of content. }

gina had never anticipated this part of her life coming at her so quickly. sure- she'd imagined, even daydreamed about, the fairytale type of love since she was little. she wanted to find her showmance, have the perfect little relationship and get married, settle down somewhere and have a beautiful and happy family with her favorite person in the world... but she did not expect any of it to happen to her that way, especially not so soon.

after all of the moving she and her mom did for years, dating ricky bowen, getting the showmance and the epic first kiss she had always dreamed of was something of a shock. and if that was surprising, she was completely swept off her feet when he had gotten down on one knee practically right after graduation. things with him weren't easy but they had decidedly been more than worthwhile as she settled into their little new york apartment.

dancing at the joffrey ballet school was draining on the body, and so sometimes even with regular diet and measures sleep schedules some of your systems get a bit out of wack. so, knowing this, gina doesn't think much of it at first when her period is running a day or two late. but as it's been three and then four days she starts to freak out a bit. she knows she wants to start a family; especially with her husband who she loves so dearly, but they were in college for goodness sakes, she hasn't even really started her career... now is not the time for a baby. not even a little bit.

she's not sure whether or not to tell ricky, or if she does tell then when she's supposed to say something. he wouldn't be upset... or not upset at her at least. she knows he's a better man than that. but even if he's not upset at her that doesn't make her feel less stressed out about everything. they have options, and it's not like this is even actually a pregnancy for sure yet. it's not like ricky actually knows anything yet.

gina swipes a comb through her curls, sectioning off the hair as she works on restyling it. the young woman was keeping herself occupied while waiting for her husband to get home. hearing the latch click open, she turns and smiles. "hey ricky!" she calls over to her husband, cheerful as she could manage. "could we maybe have a little talk in a bit?" the young woman asks, clearly a bit unsure about the conversation she's wanting to have.

"of course gi... do you uh- do you want to talk now? is everything okay?" he asks, raising his eyebrows as he looks at her with concern in his eyes.

"everything's okay... or at least i'm pretty sure everything is okay. that's not what i wanted to talk about at..." she replies, trying her best not to let her scrambled mind get to her. "but um... maybe you could sit down with me? i think that might be best."

he complies without a question. "i'm glad you're okay baby, but um... i'm getting kinda worried now." when he sits down beside her on the couch he looks at his wife curiously, trying to give comfort and not anxiety in his face even though he's not really one for surprises either.

"ricky i'm um... i'm late."

"late?" he raises an eyebrow.

"late as in my period... meaning i might be pregnant..." she clarifies. he very much does need things to be spelled out for him sometimes.

"pregnant?" one word answers, nice going bowen...

"babe- it's um... i know it's not what we planned. i'm honestly just as overwhelmed as you are. but it's not even a sure thing just yet. i just thought i would tell you so i'm not handling it alone?" she sighs, her eyes wide as she looks over at the young man beside her.

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