lattes and tapes that sound like shoes | ricky x lily

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{author's note: this is a part two to one cup of coffee black, as requested on ao3. hope y'all enjoy}

lily raps lightly on the door to the bowen apartment, but she hardly needed to knock before the curly haired boy opens it.

his golden brown eyes meet her bright blue ones in some sort of surprise, even as she knows he was in fact aware she was coming over around this time. maybe he wasn't sure if she'd really come. she couldn't blame him for that considering both their castmates would likely be more than a bit displeased by their being acquainted.

but then she also supposed he seemed the type of person who doesn't watch the clock very closely anyhow, and that where she was the exact opposite. perhaps he didn't realize it was time for her to be there.

lily was however stepping over the threshold at 6:15pm exactly, just the agreed upon hour. her backpack (containing her laptop) was slung over one shoulder while the other arm has two iced lattes tucked under it, held up solely for the fact they were trapped between her elbow and her chest.

the boy takes the drinks from her, careful not to spill them over as he does.

"hey, i'm glad you came." he says with a smile, one she gladly reciprocates and pairs with her own greeting.

"me too. i mean someone has to educate you on the world of theater. plus it's sort of like a rehearsal, even if it's not the usual kind."

she teases him and he sorta loves it, but then she instantly follows it up with practical words. it seemed perhaps lily chapman was going to be a bit of a mystery for him a while longer, even as she was in his home now.

"you're pretty smart huh?" the grin that grows across his face has her almost blushing. almost.

"i try. but i mean hey, everything i know is something you could learn. maybe i'll have to teach you a thing or two." she's not sure why she's so eager to tease, but also to be so kind to this guy she's certainly supposed to dislike.

lily supposes the fact that he's pretty cute definitely doesn't help her resistance from wanting to spend more time in his company. but maybe not following unwritten rules of engagement weren't so important here. he definitely didn't strike her as much of a rule follower.

"maybe you can, and maybe i'll teach you something else in return that you don't know about." he proffers, giving her the clear impression that yes, he does want to spend more time with her. even if they probably shouldn't.

"i'd be willing to make that trade." lily tells him softly.

with that they wander through the small apartment, so small that they don't have to really wander far, and he brings her into his room.

it felt very appropriate for what she knows of the male, the blue flannel sheets and matching curtains. the boxes still spread across the room... the bookshelf that lay barren aside from a few photo frames which sit flat on the shelves rather than propped up on their stands. she even sees an old skateboard leaning against the closet door.

it all feels lived in, not like the polished place her stepdad had moved her mom and younger brother into. but it's only halfway there the way she saw it.

it's not like the room is empty or so clean it looks fake, it's more that nothing is complete. the bed is made, though she suspects that's solely for the fact he was expecting company, but he has also a box with a label mentioning quilts on it. his dresser drawers might have some clothes in them, but there were still half empty boxes on the floor full of clothing items still needing to be returned to his wardrobe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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