curling iron burns and costume fittings | ricky x gina

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{Author's Note: Hi! This one (like most of them in the book) is based on a prompt from ao3: "Please write one where Ricky have Gina a hickey and they have rehearsal and it's hard to hide". Hope you all enjoy!}


"you're awful ricky bowen, i really hope you know that." gina chides her boyfriend, hands on her hips in frustration. yes, some of that frustration was indeed made up, but she is a bit irritated about what this entails for the days ahead.

as much fun as she had with him last night, as she always does when they're spending time together, she definitely did not ask for the purple mark on her neck... nor did she want to have to try and explain it to anyone else in the theatre department. or heaven forbid if her mom saw it... she supposes that's the one lucky thing about her mother being so busy with work.

"that's not what you were saying when it happened." he teases, ricky running a hand lazily through his hair. "i remember much- much more approving words coming out of your pretty mouth." the boy reminds her, though he certainly doesn't need to.

gina remembers their little make out session from last night all too well, and she knows he's absolutely right in his recollection of the situation. she was definitely enjoying herself as his lips played at her throat, all the intensity of his attention leading to her falling back against the navy blue sheets of his bed. she didn't feel any desire or need to resist as he played her like a fiddle, her lips parting only to gasp as he nips at the sensitive flesh.

but now she snaps out of her reverie as she stands in front of the mirror in the makeup room, ricky standing beside her more than a bit amused. she was a lot less so.

"god- ricky... i'm not saying it wasn't fun. i'm just saying in the future i'd much prefer it if you didn't give me a hickey the night before our costume fittings. kourtney is not the type to keep her thoughts to herself." the word itself is said as though it had offended her, halfway whispered unlike the rest of her statements.

the dark mark is currently hidden by the collar of her shirt, laying across her collarbone, except for where she's pulled it aside to show him 'just what she was so upset about exactly'.

"i'm sorry gina, to be fair i wasn't really thinking at the time... and i mean i think it's going to be kind of funny when we look back on it?" he proposes, tilting his head and raising one shoulder with his hands out in a bit of a questioning gesture.

she shakes her head with a sigh, pulling her shirt back into place.

"i know you weren't thinking ricky, just- please try to use your brain next time." she frowns, looking back over at him. "and maybe it will be, but right now? not funny. not even a little bit funny..."

ricky nods solemnly, trying to be at least a bit more gentle as he does admittedly feel a bit bad for her predicament. it's not like he's the one with the bruise that kourtney's almost decidedly going to see. it's not that they know what the costume gina's going to be trying on will look like, but... he knows gina's probably right to be worried. especially if miss jenn does the whole 'come out and show everyone' thing that she so enjoys doing. miss jenn loves to make a production out of everything.

"babette the feather duster may have a collar? you never know?" he offers, mostly unhelpfully, but gina decides to just nod, sighing as she walks the steps to close the gap between them.

"maybe." she shrugs her shoulders before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a quick peck on the lips.

he smiles wide at her actions, wrapping his arms around her waist as she settles herself in front of him once more.

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