4th of july date.

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(Takes place 5 days after missouri asked enterprise on a date and 2 days after chapter 11.5)

4th of july 1945/2012

Missouri POV

This is finally the day i am going on the date i promised, i was waiting outside her dorm, i was wearing a short sleeve shirt and jeans.

This is finally the day i am going on the date i promised, i was waiting outside her dorm, i was wearing a short sleeve shirt and jeans

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 (this is what he is wearing)

Missouri: Enty! Are you done?

Enterprise: I-i'm almost done!

I waited for another 2 minutes before she went out from her dorm.

I waited for another 2 minutes before she went out from her dorm

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(what she is wearing)

Enterprise: how do i look?

Missouri: you look beautiful.

Enterprise: hehe~ Thanks.

Missouri: so uh, where should we go?

Enterprise: there should be a city near the eagle union base.

Missouri: how come i never knew that there was a city?

Enterprise: it was kept a bit of a secret so that the sirens wouldn't knew, and since you were the one that destroyed the orochi, people would be a welcoming party/

Missouri: i see, so let's get going.

Enterprise: sure, and are you driving?

Enterprise: sure, and are you driving?

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Missouri: heh why not.

I got on and started the ignition, she then got on the back, both of us putted on helmets.

Missouri: so, ready?

Enterprise: yes. 

We then rode to the city.

(Mo: from what can i gather they only know 1940's tech so they didn't know that this was the early 2000's)

(me: that is probably true, now shut up and keep quite)


After some 30 minutes of riding, we arrived at the city.

Missouri: want to take a bite first?

Enterprise: sure.

I then pulled up to a nearby restaurant, we then got off and walked in.

Waiter: welcome to- oh you're the battleship that took down the orochi right?

Missouri: yep that's me.

Waiter: I see, and ms. Enterprise is here too, what a suprise, are you both on a date?

Enterprise: yeah, we are.

Waiter: i see then, i will have a seat ready for you both.

After that he lead us to our seats.

Waiter: so what may i get you?

Enterprise: you know what i like.

Waiter: alright, and you sir?

Missouri: uhh, sirloin steak then and cola.

Waiter: alright! please wait then.

The waiter then left.

Missouri: so enty, after this want to go to the par to see the fireworks for this 4th of july?

Enterprise: sure!

And some minutes later the waiter came back with our food, i took a bite out of mine.

Missouri: wow, this is pretty good!

Enterprise: yeah, it is.


After we ate we went to the nearby park, we saw people readying fireworks, a person then light one of the fuzes and the fireworks fly.


Missouri: happy 4th ofjuly enty.

Enterprise: happy 4th of july to you too missouri.

We then looked at each other and kissed.


(I know that i am late on this chapter by one day)

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