chapter 10: orochi's activation and a confession

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I was walking around the base until i see some of the girls were rushing somewhere.

Enterprise: whats going on?

Wales: the crimson axis has just informed us that the orochi has just been activated and its heading this way!

Enterprise: then we need to hurry!

We sailed towards where the orochi might be along with takao, atago, iowa, new jersey, and wisconsin came but where is missouri?


When we got there some of the sakura empire ships attacked the orochi and high class sirens.

Zuikaku: grey ghost! please help! kaga has lost her mind!

Enterprise: everyone attack the sirens and orochi!

We attacked the sirens and destroyed them, we then focused on the orochi, we overloaded its shields but wasn't enough to destroy it, it then made weird noises.

Illustrious: what is it doing?

It launched a missile in the air.

Wales: where is that heading? *gasp* its heading towards the base!

Iowa: we're out of missile's!

It was to fast to even catch up with it, in the distance there was another missile it was fast enough to hit the fritz x.

Enterprise: wait isn't that...

We looked where the missile was fired from.

Enterprise: MISSOURI!!!

Its him he finally came.

Missouri: everyone fall back i got this.

He was sailing directly towards the orochi.

Enterprise: missouri! that's suicide!

He ignored my call, he kept on sailing and probably in range.

(imagine the regent is the orochi)

After sometime the orochi fired back with its guns one of the lasers hits missouri's Y turret exploding it and one hit his deck.

Enterprise: MISSOURI!!!

Missouri: i'm not done yet!

He continued to fire until the orochi was destroyed he only lost a main gun and and some damage on the i went on to see missouri looking on the damage of his ship.

Missouri: watch you step you could trip on something.

Enterprise: missouri where have you been?

Missouri: i went to check out an anomaly it turns out it was two destroyers.

Enterprise: oh really, where are they?

Missouri: oh they're at the base, i'll introduce them later.

Enterprise: ok, oh and one thing.

Missouri: what is i- !!!

I kissed him on the lips.

Enterprise: that's for helping~

Missouri: o-ok...

meanwhile in missouri's mind.

Missouri: (mind) she kissed me, wow are her lips soft, maybe some time i could ask her out on a date.

back to the story


After she kissed me, i went to the front of my ship and was met with kaga and akagi.

Kaga: m-missouri sorry we worked with the sirens.

Akagi: all i wanted was to bring back amagi.

Missouri: i think she would be more happy to rest in peace.

Bismarck: we will rejoin azur lane.

Missouri: yeah i know, and please send a sorry message to your little sister from me stabbing her leg.

Bismarck: i will,

Iowa: um missouri, you should look.

I looked to the side of my ship, and saw that it was leaking oil slowly.

Missouri: its alright i could still make it back.

We then sailed back to the base, i was on my ship, enterprise ship was sailing a bit faster.

Enterprise: hey missouri.

Missouri: oh hello enterprise.

She sat next to me and was admiring the view.

Missouri: hey enterprise, why did you kissed me that time?

Enterprise: just to thank you~

Missouri: i was wondering if, uhh.

Enterprise: what?

Missouri: would you like to go on a date?

Enterprise: hehe, sure.

Missouri: r-really?

Enterprise: yep.

Missouri: (mind) i fucking scored

To Be Continued

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