chapter 16: aircraft carrier of the future

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Missouri pov.

Missouri: reagan we are almost at your location, stand by for assistance.

Reagan: roger, its good to see ya.

Missouri: yeah i know, stand by me and wisconsin are going to fire our 16 inch guns

Our guns were locked on to the siren ships our guns then open fired with a thunderous boom.

Our 16 inch shells flew to the target hitting some of the ships, sinking some and damaging some

Missouri: reagan can you deploy some planes?

Reagan: i've already sent out three squadrons, already destroyed some enemy ships.

Missouri: alright, enterprise launch your planes, we need air superiority.

Enterprise: on it!

Enterprise sent out some of her wildcats in theory they are outdated but still effective.

Missouri: harpoons away!

I launched my harpoon missiles at the mass produced ships, hitting the siren ships and destroying them.

Time skip

All of the siren ships were destroyed.

Missouri: well that's all of them, say reagan how did you get here?

Reagan: a damn portal sucked me in, couldn't get out of range in time.

Missouri: well its a good thing you're ok, follow us there is a base nearby... Full of girls.

Reagan: well besidee me, you, and wisconsin?

Missouri: John Paul Jones is also there.

Reagan: so what that makes, four men?

Missouri: yep.

Enterprise: should we go now?

Missouri: sure, lead the way.

Reagan: *whisper* she's your girlfriend?

Missouri: *whisper* well you could say that.

Reagan: *whisper* cool.

Wisconsin: c'mon lets go, i want to get some food when we get back!

Missouri: yeah we know.

We then sailed back to base, when we got there well, there were some curious shipgirls.

Rossiya: so who is he?

Reagan: USS Ronald Reagan 9th of the nimitz class, 1st of my subclass.

Nagato: what does that mean?

Reagan: that is basically the same class, but with different systems and functions.

Bismarck: what are those planes? they look like sirens but not.

Missouri: they're called jets, a more faster and maneuverable aircraft, using jet engines as its propulsion, and a bit more better than your planes.

Reagan: yeah, and also, where do i sleep?

Missouri: well you have to wait until the 'manjuus' build you a dorm.

Reagan: oh, what exactly are those?

The manjuus then suddenly were starting the work on reagan's dorm.

Reagan: so they're like baby chicks?

Missouri: you could say.


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