chapter 2: the battleship.

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Missouri docked his ship we were amazed of how big his ship is me, wales, cleveland, and illustrious got on his ship, his deck was large also his main guns it looks like its 16 inches.

Cleveland: wait, what is that?

Missouri: that is a tomahawk cruise missiles.

cleveland got a little spooked when missouri came from no where.

Cleveland: please don't do that again.

Wales: did you just said missile?

Missouri: yes, why?

Illustrious: missiles are iron blood weapons, how did you get that.

Missouri: i was ordered in 1940 launched at 1944 i'm decommissioned at 1992 and i was retrofitted with modern weaponry, like that missile.

Enterprise: what were you fighting?, sirens?

Missouri: aliens, they are called regents.

Cleveland: what is that flag?

Missouri: that is my country flag the united states of america

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Missouri: that is my country flag the united states of america.

Enterprise: i saw your hull has a number 63 on it that means that you are third of your class?

Missouri: well yes, i'm the third of the Iowa class battleships, Iowa being the first, New Jersey is the second and Winsconsin is the forth.

Wales: how did your place hold technology like this?

Missouri: well lets just say my place is now in 2012, and this year is?

Enterprise: 1943.

Missouri: okay.

Wales: um... we have a request.

Missouri: yes, what is it?

Wales: would you like to join azur lane?

Missouri: is that an alliance?

Enterprise: yes it is.

Missouri: well it's not like i want to, but i'll take that offer.

Wales: thanks, welcome to azur lane.



Azur Lane: Turning Tides (male battleship x azur lane)Where stories live. Discover now