chapter 6: S.O.S

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After that interrogation i felt a little tired but what gives, i was on my ship in the conning tower watching over everything.

*S.O.S signal*

Missouri: an S.O.S code?, who could send this, i'll bring this to wales.

I got off my ship and ran to search wales.

Missouri: wales!

Wales: what is it missouri?

Missouri: just got an S.O.S signal don't know from who.

Belfast: its the maids on a mission!

Missouri: what?

Belfast: they are trained to be a spy and to retrieve any intel.

Missouri: what does the signal say?

Belfast: they are at an abandoned town they are targeted by sakura empire ships with help from iron blood.

Missouri: warn everyone we need to get there now, i'll make up a plan.


Wales and Belfast gathered everyone except takao and atago because i didn't want them to get recaptured by the enemy.

Missouri: is this everyone?

Wales: yes.

Missouri: good, i'll tell you all the plan.

I showed the battle area on a holo table, it gave out the scaling of the area.

Missouri: alright, this is what i expect, the enemy would sail the oposite of where we are coming from, hornet you will try to distract the crane sister into thinking that you are enterprise, belfast you will try to find the maids the battleships and i will give you time by bombarding the enemy, am i clear?

Everyone: HAI!

Missouri: good, lets go!

we all went outside and sailed towards the abandoned town, after a few hours of sailing we reached the town.

Missouri: alright everyone remember what i said?

Belfast: yes.

Missouri: good all destroyers smoke around hornet, enterprise go now!

the destroyers smoked around hornet, enterprise and belfast goes in.

Missouri: all battleships and battlecruisers fire at will!


Every battleships and battlecruiser fired on the enemy fleet, my 16 inch fired as well along with my secondaries.

Missouri: wales i'm going to fire 5 of my harpoon missiles.

Wales: roger.

i fired 5 harpoon missiles destroying siren ships and damaging some others, then my radar spotted 2 ships.

Missouri: wales, my radar picked up two ships both battleships, they are going for enterprise and belfast, moving to intercept.

Wales: got it.

i turned into with my ship, well it is my first time so i'm a little not experienced into it.

Missouri: time to pull out my little friend.

Missouri: time to pull out my little friend

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