He Talks Bad About You To Another Member. (Part 2.)

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Preference: He Talks Bad About You To Another Member. (Part 2.)

Luke: It’d been about two weeks and you hadn’t asked Luke to buy you a single thing. You hadn’t told him that you heard what he said, but you were going to try and change to see if he would catch onto it. He’d been a lot happier lately, never complaining about his credit card being maxed out and not talking about how much money he’d spent in the day - and you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe you really were such an expensive girlfriend. Had you really caused Luke to spend so much money? Why hadn’t you realized it before? You couldn’t believe that you were that much of a spender, especially since he’d never complained about it once until the other day in front of Ashton. You walked into your apartment after a long day at work, pouting once you saw Luke going through the new bills that had came in the mail today. He looked content - not happy nor upset, just content. “Is something wrong?” You asked him, inching closer to him as you removed your shoes and jacket at the door. Luke looked up from the bills and smiled lightly as he looked up at you. “No, everything is good! How was work today?” He retorts, making you sigh and shrug your shoulders. He wasn’t going to catch on - you were actually going to have to sit down and spell it out to him that you’d heard what he said, and you were still a little hurt over it. It’d actually taken a lot for you to cut back on that much of your spending, especially since you’d been so used to Luke letting you use his card to buy anything you needed - er, that you thought you needed anyway. “We need to talk about some things, Luke.” You say as you pull out a chair next to his and sit down, taking some of the bills from the pile and laying them out in front of you to look at. He sighs and starts sorting through the left over mail on the table as he waits for you to continue talking. “I heard what you said about me the other day. When Ashton was over?” You ask more than state to him, making sure he remembered. Luke nods his head slowly and looks over at you, his eyes holding an apologetic tint to them as he kept eye contact with you. “If I’m so expensive, why do you let me live with you? Why have you put up with me this long if I just keep putting you in the hole?” You cry into your hands, your head pounding from fighting the tears that were threatening to fall from your eyes. How was this supposed to be an easy conversation? You weren’t sure if you would still even be together with Luke after it was over - and you weren’t sure if you were upset because you were still hurt over the comments made about you or if you were scared to lose the best thing that had ever happened to you. “It’s true, (Y/N). You are an expensive girlfriend and more times than not my credit card ends up being maxed out because you find it necessary to shop online at stores that are over seas-” He stops talking for a minute to catch his breath and to think of how to word the rest of his sentence. “But it’s something I choose to put up with because I do care about you. I have such deep feelings for you that sometimes I let those feelings control what I do - and what do I do? I let you spend my money - some of which I don’t really have to spend. So,” Luke smiles as he leans over and wraps an arm around your shoulder, placing a soft kiss on your temple. “I apologize for not talking to you about it and embarrassing you like that.” And for some reason, his apology was enough to make you cheer up.

Ashton: “Fucking hell,” You groan as you got up out of the bed, twenty minutes after Michael had left so that you had time to yourself to get over the rude comment that had been made about you by your boyfriend just minutes earlier. Your feet and back were sore, not to mention the fact you were in a raw mood because of what you’d just heard. How could Ashton say you were boring? You were anything but boring! So what if you didn’t like going out anymore? That was something you were able to give up if you wanted - besides, it kind of got annoying going out to clubs and being around sweaty bodies all night long. So what if you didn’t drink anymore? Your hand came down to your still-flat stomach as you rubbed it lightly and sighed, taking a deep breath. Drinking was something you were going to have to give up now for your child - the one you still hadn’t told Ashton about because you were scared of his reaction and what would happen once you did tell him. As you walked into the living room and you saw him sitting with a beer in his hand and the TV still blaring the episodes of Teen Mom that you hadn’t yet seen, you felt a sudden wave of nausea hit you. Would this spur into a huge argument between the two of you or would he just let it go and apologize like you would much prefer? It wouldn’t matter - what he’d said was done and over with, and you had to get him to clarify why he said it - so you were going to talk to him about it either way. “Ash,” You spoke up as you moved around the recliner to the couch, sitting in front of him for him to be able to look at you good. He looked up at you with a glassy look in his eyes and nodded. “Yeah?” He answered. You bit your lip and felt your hands going to your stomach again as a subconscious reaction. “We need to discuss something, um,” You looked anywhere to avoid eye contact with him. You didn’t want him to get any suspicions that you’d heard what he said just yet - though it didn’t really matter since that was going to be what the entire conversation revolved around. “Are you, uh,” You sighed and shook your head. “Are you bored with me?” You finally blurted it out. Ashton raised his eyebrows for a moment before he tilted his beer bottle back, downing the entire half-bottle he had left before he let out a huge breath and shrugged his shoulders. He knew now that you’d heard what he said, and he was more than ready to get up and leave so he didn’t have to endure a conversation such as the one that was awaiting him - but he knew better than to leave when you had something on your mind to discuss with him. “I’m a little bored, yes. You never do anything anymore! When I wanna go out, you just wanna stay in and cuddle. When I wanna drink - even if it’s at the house, you always say no.” Ashton defends himself as best he could against you, shaking his head as your lip started to tremble. “Didn’t you ever stop to think there might be a reason I’ve stopped doing things?” You whisper out; you were afraid if you spoke any louder, your voice would crack against your will. “What reason would you have for not doing anything, (Y/N)?” He retorts, eyes slightly widening as you look down at your stomach, your hands cupping it to show him your exact point. You bit your lip and took a deep breath as you looked up at your boyfriend that now had a somber expression upon his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Ashton whispers as he leans up and rests his hands on top of yours. “You’re not boring, (Y/N). You’re pregnant.” He grins.

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)Where stories live. Discover now