Luke: You sat on the couch in your heart pjs. Your lovely boyfriend had awaken you at 5am to watch the sunrise together for your first Valentines Day, but he couldn’t figure out the new automatic blinds he installed last week. So, you two had to go outside in the freezing February cold to see the sunrise.
Now you were on the couch waiting for his “glorious, to-die-for breakfast” as he put it. You usually did the cooking and Luke would just bother you the entire time. Today he wanted to be all domestic and romantic so he sat you on the couch to stay.
"Do you want some help?" you called when you heard a plate clash. "NO!" he yelled back. You sat back and continued to watch MTV. You smiled when he walked in with a tray. You took a bite and tried to hide your surprise at how salty it was. Luke watched your face intently and bit his lip when you took a gulp of water to down the salty eggs.
"They were horrible, weren’t they? Man I’m totally ruining this for you," he murmured.
"No. I’m having so much fun…and kiss points for attempt," you said, kissing his nose.
"So what now?"
"Movie?" While Luke got the movie going, you went upstairs to get Luke’s Valentines Day gift when you heard him yelp. Then the lights went out…all of them. You found a flash light and ran downstairs where Luke was squatting in front of the DVD player, shocked.
"I just…a plug was loose and I…." he stuttered. You kissed his fingers. Oh well….candle light and just talking was more romantic.Ashton: You giggled as Ashton moved around the bed to get a better angle at you.
"Here she is, guys! Say hi baby."
You put your hand up, blushing. “No more filming or pictures, please?” you begged.
He wanted to remember your first Valentines Day together…every second. And he wanted to share it with the fans because he’s Ashton. “I’m tired. I’m gonna take a nap,” you said, covering yourself with a blanket. He smiled, got into bed with you, and kissed you good night before climbing on his side.
A while later, you woke up…alone. The bed on Ashton’s side was empty except for a rose and note: Happy Valentines Day baby. Meet me at our place… -A
You smiled and decided to just go along with it. A half hour later, you sat on the bench where Ashton had spilled his coffee on you. Ten minutes passed, then another five…
You got on your phone and was about to call Ashton when you saw a notification for Instagram. It was a picture of Ashton and you on your first year anniversary at the beach just as the sun set. The only thing written was: #turnaround.
You turned around and saw Ashton standing there in a tux with roses in hand and a huge smile.
"I couldn’t tie my bow tie so I had to drive to my mum’s and have her do it," he said, taking your hand and getting on a knee, a slight blush on his face. "I love you baby. From the very second I spilled my mocha on you because Michael pushed me. You make me smile and make me laugh. We’ve shared tears and sorrows and I couldn’t ask for anyone better as my best friend. Happy Valentines day…or it could be a bit happier…if you say yes." He held out his mother’s engagement ring and you just…froze.
Ashton bit his lip and stood up. “Honey, it’s February and we’re not wearing jackets. An answer would be helpful.” You just nodded slowly. He slipped the ring on your finger and kissed you. Then he held up his phone and smiled into the camera. “Hey everyone watching this keek Im about to post right now, she said yes.”Michael: You smiled as your golden retriever, Pancake, greeted you with sloppy kisses on Valentines Day morning. “Where’s daddy, huh?” you baby-talked. Pancake gave a sharp bark before he ran out of the room and downstairs. “Wait up!” You ran after him and stopped at the foot of the stairs when you saw it: millions of roses and rose petals everywhere. Petals all over the floor and couches and vases of roses everywhere. You saw the banner on the two pillars in the living room and you smiled.
red: For every second I thought of you…
yellow: for every second I missed you…
pink: for every second I stared when I saw you at the studio working as an assistant…
white: for every second i’ll love you" You looked around, confused, since you didn’t see a white rose. Then the office door to the right opened and Michael walked out with a white rose.
"Hey, baby," he said, kissing your head. You smiled at him. He handed you the rose.
"This is fake…it’s a fake white rose."
"Yes it is. And i’ll love you, (Y/N), until it wilts and dies. Happy Valentines Day."Calum: You breathed hard and adjusted your veil once more before smiling at your best friend/maid of honor.
“Let’s do this,” she winked. You took a deep breath and started down the aisle as the crowd stood up. Everything was going well…until you saw Calum’s teary-glistening green eyes. You had to force yourself to keep walking and almost tripped trying to stop at the alter.
"The couple has written their own vows," the preacher announced. You said your vows and had to force yourself to slow down at some parts since you were just so nervous. It came to Calum’s turn and he cleared his throat and took out a crumpled piece of paper out of his breast pocket.
"(Y/N)," he began. Then he balled up the paper and threw it behind him. He took your hands and pulled you a bit closer. "Baby, god you rock my world. I can’t believe it’s our first Valentines Day together as Mr and Mrs. I love you more than words on a piece of paper could ever describe. The way you walk and the way you laugh…and that you’re so strong. I ask too much of you. It’s not fair. But I’m using the rest of our life together to prove to you that we can make this work. We’re in this together for as long as you want me."
Tears began pouring and you dabbed them away.
"I love you," you mouthed when the preacher continued.
"I now present you Mr and Mrs…" but before he could finish, Calum cupped your face and kissed you. He dipped you and you held onto him tight. "….Hood," the preacher finished, closing his book.

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)
FanfictionJust 5SOS Preferences NOT OWNED BY ME ALL FROM TUMBLR ALL RIGHTS TO THEM! But they are awesome!!! Read