Michael: You flinched as the killer’s silhouette showed behind the shower curtain. Michael chuckled and took your hand.
"It’s okay, I’ll protect you," he whispered. You smiled and knew Michael was just as scared as you even if he was good at hiding it. Suddenly, a climatic scene was occurring and over and over the killer showed up then displeased, making everyone jump and scream…including Michael. The killer’s knife suddenly swung towards the audience and Michael jumped, spilling the popcorn all over the people in front of you. "
Fuck, sorry!” He said quickly at they glared at him. Another pop up scene and Michael all but pissed himself.
"WE’RE LEAVING!" He announced as he grabbed your arm and you two exited the theater. You laughed and held out your hand. Michael sighed and put a $20 in your small palm.
"We’re seeing If I Stay next time," he huffed as you two made your way to the car.Luke: “Babe, I don’t wanna see this damn chick flick,” Luke complained as you two took your seats. It was your birthday so you dragged Luke to Best Of Me, the movie’s premiere night.
"You’ll live," and you kissed his cheek. He pouted and silenced himself as the commercials began first. By an hour in, you were just semi watching it but not really…but Luke…You waved your hand in front of his face and he pushed it away as the couple continued to talk to each other. By the end, he was in tears, legit, steaming tears. As you two walked around the mall attached the theater after, you kept smirking.
"It’s not funny, babe. It was very emotional," he insisted. You nodded and kissed his nose.
"My sensitive little cutie."Ashton: 50 Shades Of Gray. This was what you surprised him with on your anniversary. Ashton sat uncomfortably among the many couples and women who filled the seats of the theater as the opening title began. Ashton shifted uncomfortably and kept asking to leave as the movie rolled on and on…until a ‘scene’ came on. He watched and his eyes widened as he felt a twitch in his jeans.
"Fuck, babe we need to leave," he tried to tell you over the pornographic moans erupting from the speakers.
"Why?" You whispered as you kept your eyes on the screen. He sighed and put your hand on his crotch.
"That’s why," he replied to your gasp. You blushed and tried your best to ignore your horny boyfriend’s pleas.Calum: “Damn crooks,” Calum muttered as he handed the cashier $20 for the movie tickets. You smiled and took his hand.
"It’s fine, baby," you said. "I could’ve paid."
"No. My treat. It’d just be nicer if they didn’t charge so much." It was a good thing you guys were seeing a comedy to allow Calum to let loose. The movie began and by he end you were crying laughing along with Cal.
"Fuck babe, I can’t breath!" He smiled huge as he continued to giggle. By the end of the movie, you and Calum were breathless.
"Thanks for that, baby," Calum said as the credits began to roll. You smiled and replied with a long kiss. Yay for the movies.

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)
FanfictionJust 5SOS Preferences NOT OWNED BY ME ALL FROM TUMBLR ALL RIGHTS TO THEM! But they are awesome!!! Read