He walks in on you doing something embarrassing

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He walks in on you doing something embarrassing

Ashton: you had planned to get up early and cook breakfast for Ashton before he went off to the studio. You had turned to radio on while you were cooking and your favourite song just started to play. You smiled and began to dance around the kitchen, spatula in hand, hips moving as you sang along to the song. “Babe” you heard Ashton laugh from behind you, turning as you cheeks heated up to find a shirtless Ashton leaning against the door frame, smirk splayed across his face.

Calum: You knew you had a couple of hours to yourself while Calum was in the lounge writing so you figured you’d knock off some assignment work while he was busy. You were lying on your bed, laptop in front of you working your way through it slowly. “What?” you asked yourself out loud, reading a question. “How can you do that? It’s got nothing to even do with the question? It’s not even related to the issue?” you stare perplexed at the page. “You right there babe?” Calum asks walking in the room, smirking as you blush.

Luke: You were lying on the couch watching TV at home by yourself as Luke was out with the boys when High School Musical came on. You couldn’t be bothered changing the channel and you hadn’t seen the movie in a while so you left it running, too lazy to change to channel. By the time you were halfway through the film you were up dancing along to the movie, singing the words loudly. You didn’t hear the door opening or Luke walking through to the lounge until you heard him laughing behind you, cheeks red from exertion.

Michel: You thought it would be a great idea to surprise Michael by learning guitar as he always said he’d love to play with you before. You grabbed your laptop moving into the spare room where Michael kept his guitar, placing it on the bench. You searched around trying to find the perfect song before picking up a guitar. Awhile later you had learned a few chords when the door opened you turn to find Michael laughing. “What?” you ask curiously. “Babe, you’re holding the guitar the wrong way!” he chuckles, kissing your forehead.





5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)Where stories live. Discover now