First date

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Ashton:He didn't want a huge date planned out, he just wanted the two of you to have a relaxing day. He rented some movies, and the two of you built a pillow fort. "I haven't done this since I was a kid." You tell him. He laughed, "Me either, but I think we're going to have to make this something we do on all our dates." You looked over at him. "So there's going to be more dates?" He nodded and kissed you. The two of you cuddled the rest of the day, eating popcorn and watching movies.

Calum:You were the one who asked him out in the first place, so you chose where to have the date. You wanted it to be fun, so you chose a restaurant where they cook the food in front of you. Both you and Calum were amazed the tricks all the chefs could do, and the food was incredible. When the date started to come to an end, you felt really sad. Calum noticed and took your hand under the table. When he walked you to your front door, he stopped and suddenly kissed you. "This was such an awesome date."

Luke:He had gotten tickets to see one of your favorite bands, in an acoustic set. While the two of you were waiting in line, you kept getting all excited Luke found it adorable. During the show, he wrapped his arms around your waist. He would softly sing some of the lyrics into your ear throughout the night, which sent chills down your entire body. After the concert, you and Luke walked around the downtown area. He held you hand, and the two of you talked for hours. When it started getting late, he walked you back to your car. "This was a night I'll never forget, thank you Luke." You went to kiss his cheek, but he moved his face so you would kiss his lips instead.

Michael:He had canceled the first two dates that the two of you planned. That made you lose interest in him. But he kept trying,so you decided to meet up with him for coffee. "Hey, (Y/N)!" Michael was sitting in the corner of the coffee house. You walked over and saw he had already gotten you a coffee. The next three hours the two of you sat around laughing and talking, you were glad that you decided to go on this date. "So does this mean we can have an actual date now?" Michael asked you. You nodded, "Of course, just as long as you don't cancel on me again." He blushed. "Sorry about that." "Don't worry about it." A smile spread across his face, and he leaned in to kiss you.

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)Where stories live. Discover now