Ashton: Tonight was supposed to be a romantic picnic under the stars, or at least that’s what Ashton had planned for your birthday. Of course Mother Nature brought on the rain and lightning with thunder as sound affects to her little show. You held the picnic blanket in your arms, watching Ashton pace as he thought of something else to do.
"Hey, what about we just…" you suggested, gesturing towards the area in front of the fire. You went over, pushed the coffee table back, and laid the blanket on the carpet. You patted the area next to you, signaling for Ashton to join you. He eventually came over with the picnic basket. An hour or so later, you were leaning against his chest while you two watched the fire dance and crackle. You glanced up towards Ashton, who was still apologizing.
"It’s fine, baby," you assured him. "This was so much better anyways.” He smiled and leaned down to kiss you.Calum: Another cabinet door slammed shut as Calum angrily got out peanut butter for his sandwich. The sandwich he “so kindly” asked you to make. You were upstairs, also angry. The keys of your laptop felt your wrath as you typed aimlessly at school things.
"Damn, this sandwich sure tastes good," you heard Calum yell. "Better than any you’ve ever made me."
Okay, now he was just being an immature prick. You slammed the laptop shut and stomped into the kitchen where Calum was peacefully eating his sandwich. He didn’t look at you as you stood in front of him. “Are you really going to do this?”
"What?" He asked dumbly, knowing exactly. "Be an asshole just because I didn’t want to make you a sandwich." "I’m not being an asshole. I’m being an angry boyfriend who had to stop what he was doing for work to make himself lunch because his girlfriend wouldn’t." "I can’t just make lunch for you all the time! I have school! I have a job! I have a home to clean by myself!"
"I barely ever ask anything from you, but holy god, when it comes to a simple sandwich, no. Calum, who works constantly and pays for everything and never complains, has to do it himself because his girlfriend is talking to friends on her computer."
"You always make me feel guilty for all the things you insisted on doing yourself. Well fuck you." And you stomped out, hoping to cool down.Luke: You stretched your fingers in then out as you glanced at Luke, who was wearing the same blue colored laser tag vest as you. You looked around to see Michael and Calum in red, and Ashton and another friend of his in green.
"You ready to do this, baby?” Luke asked in a mocking leader voice. “Ready, babe.” You two kissed each other, ignoring Ashton’s fake barfing noises, and got ready to go out into the course.
In the course, you and Luke stood back to back. You shot Calum almost immediately, then Ashton. Luke got shot once by Ashton’s friend but then Calum got him. In the end, you and Luke had the most points, followed by Ashton and his friend, then Calum and Michael.
"Let’s do this again, soon," Luke said as he hugged you from behind. You were going to leave soon since you had to go back to school, leaving Luke alone on tour again.
"Definitely," you promised as you kissed him.Michael: He had kidnapped you. Forcing someone on the back of a motorcycle then driving so fast that they could see where they were being taken to was kidnapping, right?
You held onto Michael’s waist as he zipped down the road, corn fields as far as the eye could see. He finally stopped under an abandoned railroad bridge.
"Why are we here?" you demanded, throwing the helmet at his feet. "Because I have to talk to you, privately," he snarled. "Why haven’t you answered my calls or texts?"
"I professed my love for you, something I’ve never done to anyone, and you haven’t talked to me since. Plus you avoid me in the hallways."
"I just…look at us, Michael. I’m in a white dress with a Tiffany bracelet on. You have a cut up tee and black skinny jeans. I drive a Prius and you have a vintage motorcycle. We’re complete opposites and I don’t think this would have ever worked out.”
"What is this? Hmm? What would you call this, between you and me?" "Lust, not love. We obviously have a physical attraction but…"
Your words caught in your throat as Michael kissed you. But it was tender and warm and soft, unlike the ones he usually planted on you while he fucked you against a car in his mechanic shop.
"Michael," you sighed against his mouth.
"Tell me this is just lust. Tell me and I’ll leave you alone…forever." You opened your eyes as he parted your lips but kept his face close. You couldn’t form words…so you grabbed the red hair you loved so much and brought his mouth back to yours.
No, this wasn’t lust. This was love.

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)
FanfictionJust 5SOS Preferences NOT OWNED BY ME ALL FROM TUMBLR ALL RIGHTS TO THEM! But they are awesome!!! Read