He helps you when your in trouble
Ashton: You were walking home alone after the concert. One Direction was phenomenal, and so was their opening act, 5 Seconds of Summer. Your mom was out o town, so she couldn’t pick you up, and your dad was with her. You lost your friend in the crowd, and your phone was out of battery from videotaping the whole concert. So you didn’t have a ride home or any way to get one. Your house wasn’t too far from the venue, you walked there and you knew the way, but it was dark and you were scared.
"Hey, Jack, we got a looker rounding the corner!" You whipped your head around to see two hefty guys coming towards you.
You looked down and walked faster.
"Come over here, gorgeous. We just wanna have a little fun."
You were turned around by a set of big hands and pushed up against a brick wall.
"You’re right. She is a looker. Now let’s see if she’s pretty underneath those clothes…"
You started to shout and struggle, but there was nobody around to hear you.
"Hey, back off mate." Someone came and pushed the men off of you.
"Make me." The bigger men said.
The smaller guy whipped his arm around and punched one of them square across the jaw. They quickly bolted from the scene.
"Are you okay?" The nice man asked you. "Did they hurt you?"
"Um…" You were still shaken from the whole ordeal. "No. I think I’m okay."
"You shouldn’t be walking alone in this part of town, there are creepy guys around." He handed you your purse that you dropped. "I’m Ashton, by the way."
"I’m (Y/N). Thank you."
"Do you need someone to walk you home? Cause I swear on my drum kit I won’t pull a stunt like that!"
You nodded and laughed, grateful to have someone kind to wall you home.
"Thank you." You told him once you got to your front door.
"Don’t mention it." Ashton turned and walked away without another word.Calum: You loved working the lights and the soundboard at concerts. You loved it even more now that you were dating the bassist. You were able to watch the stage with the perfect view from the middle of the venue.
Calum would occasionally wink at you from the stage, and you would blow a kiss back.
One smaller venue, they were in the middle of “Heartbreak Girl” Calum winked at you like you always did.
You blew a kiss back, but your elbow hit the main audio button. The sound cut completely. You and everyone else scrambled to get it back on. It was back on in less than three seconds, but it still went off.
Your boss got pissed. He yelled at you harshly and endlessly.
"You are replaceable. You aren’t special. I’m going to find someone else who can do your job better than you, you can go."
You were heavy hearted. This was the job that paid the bills. You paid for college with that money. Your life was over if you got fired.
"No! It wasn’t her fault!" Calum came running to your rescue.
"It was all my fault. If I hadn’t winked at her during the song, she would never have returned the gesture. Don’t fire her, please."
Your boss looked from him back to you.
"Is this true?" He asked.
"It sounds selfish to say yes…" You began.
"That’s exactly how it happened. It’s my fault, not hers." Calum said proudly.
"Screw up again and no excuse will save you." He said before turning to leave.
You flung your arms around Calum’s neck.
"I love you so much, Cal. You saved me. You really did." You thanked him.
He just pressed his lips to yours. “I’d do it a thousand times more if I had to. But I hope we don’t have to do that again.”
You laughed.
"And I promise to never distract you again." He vowed.
"And I promise never to let you distract me, no matter how irresistible you are." You kissed him again and walked over to help pack the equipment.Luke: You never had trouble getting around. You could drive, and when you flew places, you like to walk, mostly because they were large cities that your boyfriend’s band was touring. Luke hated that you liked to go out alone while he was practicing, but you did it mostly to tease him.
One day you decided to head out before the show and try to find a bookstore so you could find something new to read. The rest of the guys were off doing whatever it is they usually do when youre gone. You couldn’t use any more data without having to pay extra fees, so you decided to ditch google maps and wing it. You walked through the main part of town, but didn’t find anything. So you went off a couple different roads. Eventually, you found yourself in an old residential part of town. You were admittedly lost. You tried backtracking, but you couldn’t find your way back. And it was getting dark.
An hour after you realised you were lost, you almost gave up. The show was in an hour and you couldn’t even find your way out of a neighbourhood. You started walking quickly in a random direction. Anywhere is better than here, you decided.
As the sun was about to set, you ran into someone on the street.
You shrieked in fear and started running the other way.
"(Y/N)! Wait! It’s me!" He shouted. You recognized the voice, and turned to see Luke’s face.
"I’m so happy to see you!" You sighed in relief. You were beginning to think you were lost forever.
"Where were you? What happened? Are you alright?" Luke spat out various questions and he hugged you tightly.
"No. I’m fine. I just got lost. I’m so glad you found me though. Can we get out of here?" He nodded.
"Like… Now?" You finished. His lips formed an "o" and he grabbed your hand, leading you back to the city and and towards the venue.
"Don’t ever do that again! I thought you left or something!"
"Don’t worry." You replied. "I’m not leaving anytime soon. No matter how many times I get lost."Michael: You and Michael had been best friends ever since you met. You spent as much time together as possible, even though it wasn’t a lot, seeing as the band was still touring. You were still in school, and you had to work two jobs just to keep your LA apartment. It was a bit of a struggle, but you got by. One day, after you came home, you got a knock on your door. It was the landlord. She came to tell you to pack your things. You were getting kicked out because you couldn’t pay the rent for the past three months. You couldn’t afford anything else, and you had nowhere to go. You spent the next three days working your arse off, packing your belongings, and searching for a place to stay. Then, your phone started to ring.
"Hey, (Y/N). It’s been a while, how’re you doing?" It was Michael, calling to check in as he did.
"Not good." You replied. "Landlord just kicked me out and I can’t afford anything else. Can’t afford to be a tennant either. I’m screwed, Mike!" You complained helplessly.
"They’re kicking you out? What did you do?"
"I didn’t pay the rent. 3 months worth. I can’t pay that or I won’t be able to buy food for a month." You could almost feel yourself on the verge of tears.
"Hold on just a minute. I’ll be right back." He said hastily.
You patiently waited for him as you put your shirts in a duffel.
"Okay. I can officially fix your problem."
You laughed in disbelief. “I doubt that.”
"Believe me!" He persisted. "We have a home in LA and its kind of close by to your school and we’re allowed to let you live there until you can find another place."
"Are you serious?" You shouted.
"One hundred percent. I’ll text you the details later. I have to go, but it’s all gonna be good, I promise."
Once again, Michael was superman. You were eternally grateful for him, and you never let him forget that from that point forward.Follow

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)
FanfictionJust 5SOS Preferences NOT OWNED BY ME ALL FROM TUMBLR ALL RIGHTS TO THEM! But they are awesome!!! Read