When He's Mad

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Luke: When Luke is mad, he’ll try his best to hide it until he can mope alone but you know him too well. The way he walks to the way he curls his hands into fists when the smallest thing such as a pen dropping when he grabs it will set him off. You always give him space when he wants/needs it but no matter what, he usually goes right to you to hug and sigh frustratingly until he has all the bad out.

Michael: He’s a ranter. He’ll come home from the studio or whatever and he’ll be fuming, red faced, and frustrated. You’ll be all ears as he complains or rants or just sits there on the couch and think things through. But you don’t touch him. He always told you never to do so if he snaps one day. He won’t let you be a victim of his anger. Never.

Ashton: Cuddly Ash is usually upbeat but sometimes he has his moments where just television not turning on correctly will anger him. You will go to him and rub his back affectionately since no matter what, Ashton is cuddly and cute. He’ll melt under your touch and so will his anger. Other times, you’ll sit on your bed and wait for him to come to you for a nice shoulder/back rub. He hates letting you see him angry.

Calum: Space. He always needs space. He’ll slam things and hit things and you’ll always let him. It’s better than him going at it with one of the boys or you. He’ll sometimes leave and go to the gym and take out his anger on a punching bag for a good amount of time before coming home for a nice sleep. Or cuddle, depending on what angered him and how badly. But he always comes home to you because in the end, you’re his best cute of all the crazy, angering bullshit.

5SOS Preferences & Imagines (Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael)Where stories live. Discover now