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Dedicated to myself and someone who need this.

Have you ever felt ugly? Worthless? Loser? Unfit? Common? Unloved? Just Nothing?

Have you ever felt you did something just because someone helped you to? Like your success was theirs?

Have you ever felt you are not good enough for something? Friendship? Love? Praise?

Have you ever felt other's opinion destroy your confidence? Self-Esteem?

If no, then congrats, you're a miracle.

If yes, welcome to the gang.

I felt it. More that the people around me knows. I did to an extent I was convinced that I was nothing, unworthy of everything I have and everything I want to be. Whatever I do those voices were there convincing me I could do it, I'm incapable of what i have and what I want. And that's the worst thing I ever felt. If I can unfeel something or blessed to be never feel that again, I would erase that feeling in a heartbeat.

When I ask you who's the person you hate the most? Some will say teachers, friends, ex, enemies, relatives, etcetra...etcetra...

Meanwhile, if the question is reversed to who is the person that hate you the most? Then again it will be the same answers in a different way.

Hundred people may hate you, you may hate hundred people but the truth is,


The voices in your ears will just disturb your peace but the voices in your head will torment you, haunt you till the extent of your existence. We may feel that the thing hurting us and holding us back is other's opinions, circumstances, obstacles, so on. But the only thing that can hold you back is nothing but you.

Yeah, people can be mean, but your inner voice can be the meanest. Your inner critic is that girl in the last bench of your high school. She's the one who constantly keep breathing on your neck, mocks you, manipulates you with all her lies of 'you can't'.

She's that burden on your shoulder, who treats you colder.

No one can what you are, no one can tell you what you deserve, no one can treat you as lesser than you should. Until you let them. Everyone has the liberty to have their opinions on you, but you have the right to prove them either right or wrong.

And about the self-loathing bitch in your head, just tell to shut up. Just shut up. If she whispers, "you're weak" then scream "I'm strong". She's not a beast you should tame, just a immature child who wants a bit assurance and clarity. She's not a critique just wants to live up to people's expectation, not knowing she's also one of them.

I won't say "don't worry about people's expectation." because I certainly will. A lot. Do worry about people's when you have satisfied yours'. You can't satisfy someone if you're unsatisfied yourself. You can't be satisfied with the people who is not satisfied with themselves.

Lastly, what you were doing to yourself is a sin. But don't worry. Every sin requires a pilgrimage. Just make it up to yourself.

I heard many people saying, "treat people the way you want to be treated."

But never ever do that mistake, because if you treat a person like you treat yourself they might run away and never come back.

Instead I say, "treat yourself the way you treat the people. The ones you love."

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone make mistakes, careless decisions, reckless choices. But that's what make us who we'are. That's what human beings do. They begin, make mistakes, learn, succeed, live. But if you didn't make mistakes then you'll be stuck to to the first stage and you'll always be a beginner.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, or break. Because a stone would always have remained a stone if didn't break to make sculptures. Broken is another way of simple saying that something can be used to built. Don't feel ashamed of yourself. No one is saint, or born out of Christ's holy grail. Its okay to feel the shame, embarrassment, guilt. But don't let that consume you. Be kind to yourself.

No one is gonna be kind with you if you're unkind to yourself.

No one is gonna know your worth if you yourself didn't.

The way you treat yourself is the way you teach others to treat you.

Love yourself if you want to be loved.

But falling in love is not easy until you embrace your flaws. You can't love someone without their imperfection. If you can love the imperfection of people around you, the why can't you love yours. Everyone likes to make another person happy, until the other person is themselves. Why are you being partial?

You all admire an actor's face, an athlete's body, scientist's mind, writer's mind, musician's voice, when they're strangers who doesn't gave direct contact with you. But you hate your hooded eyes, skinny arms, large thighs, double chin, stretch marks on you skin.

You forget how your legs balances your whole body and help people in need. Your hands wipes the tears of the people in grief, hugs the one for comfort. Your words give others the strength. Your eyes witness the beauty of nature. Your ears listen to someone's rant just to make them feel at ease. You're a whole package from heaven.

The main issue of us are we want to be like that person. But why are even stealing their identity. Be yourself. Engrave your own Identity. Everyone's gonna die. You. The people who know you. Believe it or don't. The world is gonna forget you. if you live to their expectation or on your own terms.

You may modify your decision for the people you love. Everyone did. I did. But at the end of the day its your life, you'll be the one who's gonna live with it forever. Good or Bad. All that matter is its whether you want it or not. Do the thing you want. Even when the outcome is not likely the best, you'll at least feel a tinge of satisfaction.

A little gratification of what you wanted is greater than the regret of what it might be?

Wherever you're, whatever you're doing, stop for a moment. Take a look at yourself; admire your body, smile, recall the proudest moment of your life, remember that only you can do that, smile again, and get back to what you're doing.

 Take a look at yourself; admire your body, smile, recall the proudest moment of your life, remember that only you can do that, smile again, and get back to what you're doing

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Keep Smiling :)

*Hugs and kisses*



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