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"Teenage is the time to begin your life not to end it."

Two days before a schoolgirl from my locality killed herself as the result of sexual harassment and now this morning there is another one, for the yet to be revealed reason. Everyone has their problems, pressures and in the age of social media, everything is heightened. Yet that doesn't give us the right to end our lives.

This is the season of board exams. In my experience, it's the time when our minds will be so fragile and pressurised. Even if you're a well-adjusted kid from a good family you have no chance but to crack under pressure. And for some people, it's their other circumstances and how the people around you treat your condition.

Even though it seems like an unending sequence of suffocation or the hedge maze you can't escape from, you are not actually trapped. And nothing is important than your life. Literally nothing. Not your studies, not your pride, not your vulnerability and definitely not someone else's influence on you. In this world, we are ranking people with their IQ. But all we need to live a peaceful harmonious life is EQ.

At this age, it's normal for us to feel trapped, suffocated, helpless, even useless. But that does not necessarily need to be true. Sometimes our minds create an illusion to make us feel things we don't have to. We do feel like it's real, all the pain, humiliation, the weight on our chest, the fear of losing, they all feel true and sometimes permanent. But we all have to remember something.


No matter who starts or stops, laughs or cries, lives or dies. And ending your life is never the solution. The world is vast, blessed with abundance to remember and forget. They are the boon and bane of our human lives. We tend to forget the most important things at an important time. But we should not forget this, We will die, the people who love us, the people who hate us and the people who remember us die. One day no one's going to talk about you, don't even have the idea you exist. We don't have to end our lives we just have to end our suffering.

There is news of a girl who is younger than me who killed herself because of sexual harassment. I don't know what her story or what exactly pushed her to do that but I knew how she would have felt. All of us would have been the victim of some kind of harassment knowingly or unknowingly, some physical some mental, some have a major impact on us and some didn't. We are young, we have so much to look up to, so much to live and laugh about. All these social evils are just an obstacle. I know it's easier said than done or felt. But I have been in that condition. All these losses feel so personal. Maybe I would have been in that girl's place if I was a year younger.

If you feel something is bothering you or if you simply don't want to do something just take a break. If you don't want to start college after school, or don't want to start high school now, or even if you don't want to be with your spouse, take a break. Everyone around us would say "Don't waste a year." "Don't miss this opportunity." "Don't be a coward and run away from your problems" but no one says this. "It's okay, Don't stress. Take a break. If you are not happy, don't do it."

I know time is precious you won't get it again, etcetera, etcetera. But it's okay to take a break from all the pressure and live than to crack under the pressure and die. At the end of the day, it's your life, you've got to live it. We are here to live but not up to someone's expectation or under some pressure.

If you can't find a solution to a problem, clutch to your dress, shut your eyes, run from it. It's not a sign of cowardness, it's a sign of self-love and bravery. Actually, it's smart-work, knowing when to leave. Who knows maybe we would get a medal for it. As long as you are not harming anyone it's good to run. Some of us may lose some weight.

Sometimes it's okay to be selfish.

If something is bothering you or someone's harassing you come out and say it out loud. We are all the same. We all have suffered the same but in different ways, at different times. Actually, we are waiting for someone to light the match so that we all could fume. You will get the solution if you analyse the problem. If there is a problem, there will be a solution. Nature will always have its balance. We just need some hope, patience and some friends to find it.

Say it. Say it to anyone... to a stranger, to a friend, to your family or anyone. Don't suffer through it alone. We may never know they have been waiting to hear from you or they might have been the victim of the same. We are in a large world. With so many people, from so many places. We can get a lot of support and many shoulders to lean on. Sometimes being vulnerable is magical, it makes us brave. It's not a mistake or weakness. Not everyone is ready to wear their heart on sleeves and open their hearts. It's okay to have thin skin. We can be greedy of attention. Every child is greedy of it and mainly they get it, all the attention they want. Sometimes all we have to do

Don't think of ending your life. Find a way to end your problems. Seek, support, take a break (you will get some earful, but it's okay. Shake it off!), have friends (online, offline, neighbours, anyone you like), talk (chatter like an oldie it's attractive), explore the abundance, make mistakes, find a solution (if you can't, run from it!), be brave, be vulnerable, love yourself and live for yourself.

Open your heart and mind, always have your shoes and a friend if you want to run away. Running with a friend is always fun.

Share your experience in the comments someone may feel connected.

Keep smiling,



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